Monday, June 30, 2008
Tonight was loads of fun. Yes I went to a softball game, the Schroeder's lost yet again, and we went out for pizza at the Bombshelter afterwards. That was really fun tonight, but what really topped off the night was seeing Bud and Patty, Patty more so than Bud. Nothing against him, although he did deduct points on my landscaping drawing in high school Biology class, because I put a Larry Bird shrine on my drawing. It wasn't much of a deduction and it surely didn't hurt my grade for the class, but he just told me it was because of the shrine. He was fun to joke around with. But his wife helped care for me immediately after my car accident about 10 years ago. She was an ICU nurse at St. Rita's hospital, where I spent the first four weeks of my 10 week coma. The odds were not in my favor, as surely she would tell you. But from the quality nurse care I came through. I like seeing people who helped in my successful recovery process. I'm not sure if I spelled her name right or not, but thank you Mrs. Bud:-).

I finally have some newer pics of my nephews. Andrew is the oldest, then Grant, and the baby of the family is Nick. The older two are on the tractor, which is amazing. Although Grant will try anything new... Andrew is a bit more shy. Its a rarity to see him try something new without his mom or dad by his side. We'll have to wait and see how Nick turns out when he gets a lil' bit older.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Today I spoke with the person who is helping me write my autobiography, and I felt better about the whole ordeal since we will hopefully meet sometime soon to work on this together. While I'm sure she has bad typing skills, my skills are bad. I'm still hoping to have a manuscript done by the end of January, 2009. It is so nice of her to help me with my book. I think she'll deserve some compensation.
Tomorrow (Monday) the Schroeder softball team has a rain cancelled makeup game. They have yet to win a game but have yet to win a game. They are still so fun to watch. I desperately wish my balance miraculously came back and I'd be able to play on the team. Who cares if I would not be able to perform as good as in my hay day. I just wish I could play. I miss not being able to do some things, but I don't dwell on them. What's the point? I focus on the positive. I never used to be able to do everything I do now. I love my life now! I wouldn't trade it for anybody's. Some people have a hard time understanding that, but it's true.
Tomorrow (Monday) the Schroeder softball team has a rain cancelled makeup game. They have yet to win a game but have yet to win a game. They are still so fun to watch. I desperately wish my balance miraculously came back and I'd be able to play on the team. Who cares if I would not be able to perform as good as in my hay day. I just wish I could play. I miss not being able to do some things, but I don't dwell on them. What's the point? I focus on the positive. I never used to be able to do everything I do now. I love my life now! I wouldn't trade it for anybody's. Some people have a hard time understanding that, but it's true.
Sunday is a day for relaxing and laying around, or at least that is how my family has come to approach it over the years. Except during football season that is. Usually when the NFL starts I get together with cousins and friends to watch the games. Sports, as I've said, encompasses much of my free time the way it is, and when football season gets underway that is sort of the ultimate. Really, when speaking of high school sports I prefer watching basketball, because there is much more need for intellect when it comes to basketball. But collegiate and professional football take the stage each fall.
I have many contacts and I may get the opportunity to meet coach Tressel and watch a buckeyes practice in person this August.
Lets hope the Reds can beat the Indians again today, like they have done 4 of 5 tries thus far this year.
I have many contacts and I may get the opportunity to meet coach Tressel and watch a buckeyes practice in person this August.
Lets hope the Reds can beat the Indians again today, like they have done 4 of 5 tries thus far this year.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
it's Saturday, and there's not a whole lot going on. I did do about 1.75 miles of walking mid morning. I'm probably just doing family stuff today and this evening. I'm going to 4:30 mass, which is not a regular occurrence for me. I am usually a Sunday morning church goer. Not too much is going on. I'm tired today, but I can fix that with a nap after a shower.... tootles !
Friday, June 27, 2008
Its Friday but I'll probably lay sort of low, because I went out last night. It was only a Thursday, but Brian and 23 of his co-worker friends are going on a three night canoe adventure later today. They had a big trailer that they were loading with all the food, beer, liquor and other camping supplies. Even though they'll have loads of fun, its not my scene. I wouldn't be able to handle all the liquor, junk food, and camping. It sounds like fun on the surface but thinking about the fourth day seems hard for me.
In other news its a sad day since my sister and nephews are heading to the lake, but I'm sure we'll cross paths soon.
In other news its a sad day since my sister and nephews are heading to the lake, but I'm sure we'll cross paths soon.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My nephews are cool little guys. The middle one of three is going to be a terror when he gets to be a teenager. That's not a guarantee, but it is my best guess. My sister, I, and the three boys are going to the Putnam County fair tomorrow... weather permitting. That should be fun even though I was not a regular fair attendee as a youth. My nephews will love going the animal barns.

Yesterday was an enlightening day for me, as I got to hold a friend's newborn baby. I like being around little ones, because they are like a clean pile of clay ready to be molded. The infant is so beautiful even though they know not the difference between hot and cold. Day or night, wet or dry, white or black... it doesn't make a difference what opposites I use to compare/ contrast. To show that it makes no difference, I'll even use multiply and divide, and they won't even hold meaning to the youngster until they become an adolescent. Little ones, although cute (all in their own way), are ready to mimic others, and your skills for being a teacher and role model are up and coming. Even though I most assuredly will not be a major stepping stone on the path to success for thins youngster, I was pleased with the new life. Thad and Krystal already have two young boys as children, and I'm sure they will eventually make worthy protectors of their sister. Krystal must be so happy having a girl, Devanie.
In other news my Dad is showing signs of improvement although his shoulder still causes much soreness. Dad was involved in a collision between bike and road several weeks ago breaking three ribs and his clavicle. Needless to say the road won the fight. I hope he is feeling better soon, because autumn isn't too far away anymore. With fall comes football, and its always fun to toss the crescent shaped cylinder around with him.
In other news my Dad is showing signs of improvement although his shoulder still causes much soreness. Dad was involved in a collision between bike and road several weeks ago breaking three ribs and his clavicle. Needless to say the road won the fight. I hope he is feeling better soon, because autumn isn't too far away anymore. With fall comes football, and its always fun to toss the crescent shaped cylinder around with him.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My friend Melissa is a super good person, but she never checks this blog. Her husband must take a lot more initiative than she does, because even after he only met me twice he checked out my blog. Melissa is a very busy person, that I know, and I am just going to see if she ever catches it.
I'm excited that tomorrow is Tuesday, because I get to see many people when I volunteer at St. Rita's. This week is particularly exciting, because hopefully I'll be able to line up some plans this weekend.
I'm excited that tomorrow is Tuesday, because I get to see many people when I volunteer at St. Rita's. This week is particularly exciting, because hopefully I'll be able to line up some plans this weekend.
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's been a several days since I've posted and entry, but I think those vacant days are warranted for there was no computer access in my hospital room and I don't have a laptop. Lets back up to last week to know the scenario better. Last Thursday I went from my home in Columbus Grove, to a free kidney screening at Memorial Medical Park in Lima at about 1 :30. At the end of the screening I met with a physician to discuss some results. My blood pressure was way too high and an office call was made to my family doctor in Grove, and after driving back there he tried to bring it down but multiple efforts failed. I was sent back to the Emergency Room at St. Rita's in Lima. I went there and stayed there approximately 4 days and 3 nights. Many tests were run and drugs were taken. By the time I first got back to my family doctor I had a splitting headache, but I didn't get any pain medicine until intravenous was started at St. Rita's. Man that pain medicine is good stuff. Its like getting dunk instantly w/out drinking anything (not that I've ever been drunk :). Although its been a few years.
Ironically I see this whole blood pressure fiasco as a plus. Its better to find out now while I'm still young enough to take steps and medicine to fix it. Also I met some very interesting people!
Ironically I see this whole blood pressure fiasco as a plus. Its better to find out now while I'm still young enough to take steps and medicine to fix it. Also I met some very interesting people!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
No. 17 baby!!! That's championship number 17 in history of the Boston Celtics. That includes a 9-2 record against the L.A. Lakers in the NBA finals. Last night Boston annihilated L.A. in game 6 of the finals.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Last night was a fun time that also was interesting, and potentially (keep your fingers crossed:) I landed a future speaking engagement. I went to Findlay to meet up with Brian. We went to The Landing Pad out by Wal Mart. We weren't there too long, but I met some cool people. Perhaps the third coolest man I know, who I initially met at the Bombshelter last week, bumped me on the shoulder and said hey Schroeder. He was leaving, but I remembered who he was. I secondly secondly met coach Chris, who is also a history teacher at a NWC school.
We then went to BWs to munch some food.
Later on we finished off the evening at Uncle Bucks.
On the way home I nearly crapped my pants, as I narrowly missed a deer with my car. It was close enough to poop on my windshield. That could have been a catastrophe.
We then went to BWs to munch some food.
Later on we finished off the evening at Uncle Bucks.
On the way home I nearly crapped my pants, as I narrowly missed a deer with my car. It was close enough to poop on my windshield. That could have been a catastrophe.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today my sister is heading back home to Cincinnati. Lisa brought her four boys with her... my three nephews and her husband. I am sad to see them go really. Despite all of the bickering we did when we were younger, I happen to miss Lisa, now that she lives in Cincinnati.
I do get to see her and the crew fairly often, but with the increasing rate of fuel cost who knows how often we'll cross paths. Like all things in life we don't know what the future holds, but if the gas hike increases as has been soon we'll be paying $6/ gallon. Soon though we'll probably have electric cars. We might just have to drive less.
I do get to see her and the crew fairly often, but with the increasing rate of fuel cost who knows how often we'll cross paths. Like all things in life we don't know what the future holds, but if the gas hike increases as has been soon we'll be paying $6/ gallon. Soon though we'll probably have electric cars. We might just have to drive less.
Friday, June 13, 2008
It was a good night, and I'm not talking for the Schroeder softball team. They lost another thriller. Although runs were scarce, our team took a lead heading into the bottom of the sixth. Like most weeks we were there with a good shot at victroy but failed to seal the W in crunch time. It's becoming a fairly regular thing on the diamond.
The Celtics miraculously overcame a 24 point defecate to win (taking a 3-1 series lead with the lakers), and game 6 is Sunday night.
The Celtics miraculously overcame a 24 point defecate to win (taking a 3-1 series lead with the lakers), and game 6 is Sunday night.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The little league game was fun. Alex's team won by a run in the bottom of the last inning. We ate the Top Chilet in Delphos after the game, where I ran into some people I knew from Grove and Toby Bidlack. He is from Continental. I am a very social guy who had lots of fun. Melissa asked if I would speak at the Rotary in Delphos. Later people...
I am super excited about my speaking opportunities that are being played out for me right now. There have been two Ohio schools, both over an hour away, that have contacted me in regards to speaking. For this I have two reasons: 1. I thank the guidance counsellor at St. Henry and the faculty/administration in general. I've constantly had a goal of speaking nationally, which needs to start across Ohio first, and Greg Kulwicki seems to have hooked up my jumper cables and charged my battery extensively. 2. It's ultimately me taking initiative to reach out and help others. My parents have been a big support and I cannot thank them enough. There have been multitudes of human support throughout, and I'm not going to make the mistake of thanking everybody. Only human it is to forget to mention at least one person, and I don't need that guilt on my conscious now. Therefore I will not attempt to name them all. People who help me know who they are and I want them to know that they are of superb importance to me in life now. Thank you people!
The Boston Celtics could not pull off the road upset Tuesday night, but they will get another chance on Thursday night.
I am looking forward to watching my friend's son's baseball game on Wednesday night, and hopefully mother nature will cooperate. I think it isn't supposed to rain, and I know I'll be able to relive my youth, as a baller, if I watch his game.
The Boston Celtics could not pull off the road upset Tuesday night, but they will get another chance on Thursday night.
I am looking forward to watching my friend's son's baseball game on Wednesday night, and hopefully mother nature will cooperate. I think it isn't supposed to rain, and I know I'll be able to relive my youth, as a baller, if I watch his game.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Yesterday was successful not only since The Celtics won, and took a 2-0 series lead over the Lakers, but I watched the game with Kevin. It is a rarity to watch the Celtics with a fellow fan. My Dad is a celtics fan too, but he doesn't much care about the NBA. He thinks that when Larry Bird retired the NBA significantly changed, and I agree.
Speaking of my Dad, he broke his clavicle and three ribs in a bike accident. Needless to say he is in a bit of pain. I don't like seeing him like that, but only time will heal his bones.
Speaking of my Dad, he broke his clavicle and three ribs in a bike accident. Needless to say he is in a bit of pain. I don't like seeing him like that, but only time will heal his bones.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I went up town tonight, and I ran into Dean. He is a Laker fan. I would Say I hope he pulls out all his hair during the game Sunday... but he doesnt have any. He is a guy I always have joked around with, and I had a ball with him.
I too spoke with Brian... we might play home run derby on the softball field up town tomorrow. I used to play baseball and could swing a bat & hit the ball pretty good. But now my balance aint that great. It'll be interesting to see how I do. It might be scorching' hot though...
I too spoke with Brian... we might play home run derby on the softball field up town tomorrow. I used to play baseball and could swing a bat & hit the ball pretty good. But now my balance aint that great. It'll be interesting to see how I do. It might be scorching' hot though...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Last evening was the Putnam County Relay for Life. The American Cancer Society event was delayed until this morning due to tornado warnings. Mother nature was kind letting the first two hours of the event get started off well. As the siren was blaring everyone was directed into the school, where we stayed for nearly half of an hour. The weather passed but the whole athletic field was a mess.
Afterwards I went to the Bombshelter with a friend. When we left I went to Splinters, which is just down the road. However the other end of Glandorf was absent of power. So I went back to the Bombshelter to hang with some cool people. I had an excellent time! Gary was one of the guys I was hanging with. He coaches high school CYO basketball, and I would dearly love to be his assistant. I love basketball and always have, and I am familiar with nuances of the game. I have a basketball mind and would be an asset to the program.
The Boston Celtics play Sunday in their epic battle with the Lakers.
Afterwards I went to the Bombshelter with a friend. When we left I went to Splinters, which is just down the road. However the other end of Glandorf was absent of power. So I went back to the Bombshelter to hang with some cool people. I had an excellent time! Gary was one of the guys I was hanging with. He coaches high school CYO basketball, and I would dearly love to be his assistant. I love basketball and always have, and I am familiar with nuances of the game. I have a basketball mind and would be an asset to the program.
The Boston Celtics play Sunday in their epic battle with the Lakers.
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