Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today I am going to the YMCA in Ottawa after I meet up with some people for lunch. In the past years a cardiovascular workout was done about four days per week and weight lifting was done three times. But since I was having trouble with my knee the workouts have lost intensity and frequency. My ACL is completely torn, or rather there is no proximal attatchment point of the graft remaining. It is the same knee I had reconstructive surgery, to repair a torn ACL, done during my junior year's high school basketball season. Lately I have only been doing a workout one or two times per week. Eventually the hope is that I'll return to my workout routine. Even though it may be hard at first those endorphines realeased by your body is a great feeling.

This week on Tuesday I made more contacts. Some people I met at the hospital were some bigwigs from Arizona, and they were intrigued with my story, and I gave them some of my business cards. They are going to distribute and get me some speaking gigs. It may be optimistic but at least I'm getting my name out there. If you haven't yet be sure to check out my web page: . Be sure to click on the slide show link.

As far as other things go... the Boston Celtics play their second game of the Eastern Conference Finals tonight...

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