Thursday, July 24, 2008


WE WON! True that the Schroeder softball team actually won a game last night, and uncle Karl threw a pizza party at the park afterwards. That was much fun. It was refreshing to see us finally win Granted the team we played had not won any games either, they were rather poor, and we won 9-1. They had a far less superior team, but a win is a win. It feels kinda funny calling ourselves the superior even though it was true last night. Next comes tournament, which may commence Friday night (tomorrow).
Tonight I am playing cards with a group of only guys, and solo will be the only game. Surely it will last for several hours, and it will be loads of fun.
Saturday night is the Ottawa rib festival at the fairgrounds. That should be fun. I might meet up with Brian and friends. Maybe Ashley will go. There might be after hour party at Ben's, but that's yet to be determined...

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