Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Today is a very busy day. As usual I volunteer at St. Rita's Medical Center today, but it starts getting hectic before that. Initially I must get my flu shot down in the volunteer office. It is not really necessary that I receive my flu vaccination today, as they are being offered at the hospital all week for volunteers, and I suppose I could choose another location on another day. However since I will go to St. Rita's today for volunteering anyway it seems logical to get my flu shot today. Some would argue that it would be more effective and last longer if I would wait a few weeks. But I feel better killing two birds with one stone (speaking hypothetically) is the best way to go. Rather than make an extra trip sometime, even though it would be local (it still takes gas), I may as well do it while I am already there. I then am scheduled to meet a friend, Jeff for lunch. He is a fun guy to be around. Then volunteering comes around. Helping others is something I take pride in, it gives you a sense of personal satisfaction, and so volunteering is mandatory by my standards. I then have a K of C meeting. Somewhere in the whole day I hope to get in touch with Jim.

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