Thursday, November 20, 2008


Last night my uncles Wayne and Karl came over in the evening to play cards with Dad and I. When I say cards I, of course, mean solo. In fact I cannot think of a time in recent years when four or more guys got together, including me, to play cards when solo did not consume part of the time. I have played solo a few times with a mixture of men and women, also. However sometimes when females are involved we end up playing euchre, pinochle, or some other card game. Solo is not a gender game at all, but barring relatives, it is usually safe to say that when women are involved solo is not the name of the game. Anyway, back to the discussion of last evening. It has been a couple of months since they have been over together to play cards, and normally it is every couple of weeks. When we get together humor always comes into play. In fact, funny times, comments, and laughter are staples of the Schroeder side of my family. Laughing about stuff makes any situation bearable, and if you cannot joke around about or poke fun at yourself then times will be boring. we are not the conceited stuck up kind of people, because we can and often do poke fun at ourselves. I like to associate that characteristic or way of life as being lighthearted and easy going. If humor is used correctly it leads to comfortableness in any place or in any situation. As it goes I turned out to be the big winner last evening. That alone makes the evening even more enjoyable.

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