Monday, January 5, 2009


Getting my haircut this morning seems like getting a rain forest chopped, and even though it was not really that long a trim every few weeks is greatly appreciated. My haircuts are even better than any one could get at a salon. It is true that a hair stylist is professionally trained, and surely they do a sensational job. My Dad is not trained to cut any person's hair, but he has been cutting mine fairly regularly. The key aspect of this scenario is that I am not being charged to maintain his license. If you go to a salon inevitably you are paying for the barber's schooling and livelihood of his or her home life. Because it is their job the profits exist to sustain a certain standard of living. My dad just does this for me, and it is not a profession. And he does a spectacular job, too. That is why I have no qualms about having him do it. Besides I am a frugal person and anyone who knows me is well aware of this. Dad knows how yo do just about everything. At least it is my belief that he can, everyone probably thinks highly of their dad (I am just like others,) and if I ever need to have something done or need help with anything the first thing I do is ask Dad. Of course that is after I attempt to analyze or troubleshoot the situation myself, when applicable.

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