Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Columbus Grove high school boys' basketball team looked significantly improved last night against Pandora, as compared to the first time we played them. We ended up losing by eight or 10 points, but that score was definitely not indicative of the closeness of the game near the end. Sure Pandora was leading by 12 earlier, but the Bulldogs battled back to have a chance to take the lead. Things fell apart in the closing minutes.
This morning the rain significantly subsided enough, and the snow had melted, so we pulled the trailer, by garden tractor, back to the wood pile and filled it. Coincidentally, as soon as we moved the trailer back up by the outdoor wood burning furnace the rain started pouring out of the sky. It was coming down like rain was going out of style. In other words it was raining cats and dogs (in other words very hard.) Luckily it did not start when Dad and I were filling the trailer, because I cannot speak for him but I would have melted (lol:-).

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