Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sent to group 7/29/2011
I would like to start this week’s message with talking about TJ Johnson a little bit. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska but studied Cinema and Theater at the University of Iowa (Iowa brings up another story which resulted in me knowing that the rest areas are all fairly clean in that state.) However nobody wants to hear about a young man’s battles with diarrhea while using a walker on a family vacation attempt just after high school graduation, unless you’re twisted mentally, so I’ll avoid mentioning that Iowa episode again. I’ll reinforce part of his credo and tear up the rest in the next paragraph, but if you’d like to know more about this personal consultant, Mr. Johnson, here is his page, www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=502660835&sk=wall.

TJ’s personal credo: “We can only control two things in this lifetime. Our attitude and our reactions; everything else is out of our control.”

Indeed we control our attitude and reactions, but I find it to be a bit misleading when he says that everything else is out of our control. True that we can only be certain to control that which is our own lives, but everything in life stems from our attitude and reactions. When he says everything else being out of our control it refers to other peoples’ lives. Hold it right there! That happens to be false! You can as parents, friends, teachers, coaches, or motivational speakers mold, shape, impact, steer, or at least influence the lives of others. Only Joe can literally control what Joe does, but I think, correction I know that we can partially control others. You can make a difference in what others do.

Before I move on to another quote I will ask for some help. I need somebody to help me with my autobiography. If you can help write a book, or know of somebody who can, please contact me at matt@mattschroeder.org. Hopefully I have somebody who is going to build/ghostwrite on the 23,000+ words I have already, and one person who is willing to help, but they have a fee of $2000. Anybody who ghostwrites for me will get a 10% commission on all sales. The person who may help me write will and publish will end up making more than $2000 anyway, because my life is vastly intriguing.

The next source for a quote lives in Centerville, Ohio and works at Champs Sports. I’d like to thank Candace Michelle O’kelly, www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=621727553&sk, for the following quote:

“I love my life & I would never trade it for anything... Love your friends & family cause you never know what God has in store for us in the future.”
-- Candace Michelle O’Kelly

Candace, that makes me want to meet you, because our line of thinking is similar. Readers, I suggest living your life in a way so you can love it. As Kenny Rogers sings, and me too (lol,) “every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser.” Aside from that beautiful quote, Candace’s page also has a fascinating Bob Marley saying that I’ll link to: www.facebook.com/notes/candace-michelle-okelly/50585be4/10150265925456234.

Let it be known that Candace is somebody I’d love to meet someday, as is my friend from France, but I’m moving on to this week’s last quote. A friend of my friend suggested the source for the following quote:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
--Maggie Betz

Maggie, www.facebook.com/betz2?ref=pymk, went to Mother of Mercy High School, which is in Cincinnati, but she currently attends Tiffin University. Her saying is great and I felt that you all should see it. That’s everything.

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. If you add all your friends to this group it would really be great. Can you also please add your friends to this Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” (www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_46959448480?) Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Never stop trying to succeed!

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