Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/5/2011 Jen LaRoche and Twitter

This is a big week for me as on Friday, 10/7 at about 2:00 in the afternoon, I get the opportunity to impact lives of the student body and anyone else who wants to attend my presentation at Fort Recovery High school. That being said if you want to see what I do, come to Ft. Recovery High school at 2:00 this Friday 10/7 at 2:00. This week though I will reflect on life a bit and talk about a friend. Sometimes people feel things in their life are not fair. It’s these people, typically, who want other people to give them everything, because they do not want to apply themselves by working for anything; lazy is a better way to describe them... Sure there may be an exception here and there, but its lazy people who are usually crying that they don’t have an equal opportunity. Their opportunity was paved by themselves or their ancestors. People need to stop feeling sorry for themselves, and stay optimistic about the things they have going good. The first three sayings I gathered this week came from twitter (@matt_schroeder) and happen to be about life.

Life's not always fair. Sometimes you can get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow.

Life may seem unfair at times, but you should learn to accept your life as a gift from God and make the best you can of it. Remember He won’t give you that which you cannot handle. That’s how I see things anyhow.

Life would be perfect if girls had mute buttons, guys had edit buttons, hard times had fast forward buttons, & good times had pause buttons.

This is the saying as seen by me. No disrespect to men or women is intended. It says life would be perfect but it’s not. We have hypothetical options in this saying, but life will never be perfect. Who wants that anyway? We would never be able to experience the sweet feeling of victory, success, or winning if life was perfect. Charlie Sheen says he’s “winning,” but if that means getting booted from a very successful sitcom then I think he has an incorrect meaning of the word.

A lot of problems would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other.

Talk is an easy and cheap thing to do about people behind their backs, but productive words are done when you talk directly to them

Jennifer LaRoche is a relatively recent friend of mine on Facebook, you cannot quote me legitimately on this, but I think that I met her at Frickers in Findlay; I think she is employed there. Before I carry on lets talk a little bit about the place famous for being a sports bar.

Frickers is an excellent place to watch the game, eat some food, and drink some beer. That last thing is something that I don’t take much part in since my kidney transplant (11/23/009,) but it is still an excellent place to hang out at even if you aren’t drinking alcohol. Back in the day, when I was ages 23 through 29, there where a couple times when not driving where I also experienced some fun times with alcohol there. It’s amazing to know that I have just as much, maybe more, fun now as I did back then. Back then only I spent more. Let me be clear here and admit that it never took much to get me drunk then, because I couldn’t hold my liquor since I rarely drank silly stuff that would make the people who say I walk like I’m drunk correct, but in hindsight it was stupid. Beer is a waste of money I feel.

Back to Jen now,, and she works at Frickers. That’s what had me sidetracked for a moment; it feels necessary for me to remark on the many quality experiences I’ve had at that fine wings place. One time I met Ms. LaRoche there, and that was a quality encounter I feel. Jennifer is responsible for showing me the next quote:

Take chances and never have regrets. Forget the past but remember what it taught you.

I wholeheartedly agree with this saying, apparently Jen LaRoche does as well, and that is why I have the upmost respect for her. First it tells to take chances and never have regrets. That could mean that you should never feel bad about taking chances, or it could be saying never have regrets in general. I say, right on, either way it is viewed, or if you don’t take chances in your life you can never experience that true sense of accomplishment. Alternatively if you live your life without regretting anything that means one has always tried their hardest and is happy with their life. I’m happy about mine and wish no drastic changes, and I hope all readers of this are satisfied, as I am yet still yearning to do greater with my life. The thing about not dwelling on the past but remember what it has taught you closes up the saying, but I must mention about it. Sometimes, although a rarity, people think that I cannot let go of the past (with the retelling parts of my accident to many people,) but believe me when I affirmatively shout that that I am only trying to help others while using my amazing accident and recovery as a crutch in the process. I’ve accepted God’s plans for my life almost immediately when I awoke from my extended nap. Of course I wish it never happened, but I do NOT regret it! Those are two different things!

I love the way Jen thinks, but I am neither in love with Jen nor anyone else at the present time. We met once for crying out loud, but I am very impressed after meeting her. I liked our discussion and think she has a good head on her shoulders. Love was mentioned because it leads nicely to my last quote this week:

Love isn't about finding a perfect person. It's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

Many people think that they have found the perfect person, or they have to find yet the perfect person to build a loving relationship with. This saying is so right, but so wrong to. Love isn’t perfect and neither are people, but my impression is that one female is out there that is perfect for me. Meaning, the last half of this week’s final quote type saying is right on, too. When a person falls in love the inadequacies of their partner become almost transparent. The imperfect person appears perfect. It’s not the case in merely one or two cases but all of them. When a man loves a woman… sorry, I was really singing that.

I have not found a girl that I am in love with yet, but hopefully some day I’ll be able to call some woman my wife. I would need to fall in love though, and that takes time and commitment from both sides. Some people think I’m crazy for continuing to wait for that one perfect person, as I’ve said a perfect person doesn’t exist, but she would seem perfect to me.

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!
Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

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