Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Every time I stop to think about scheduling events it is realized that my calender is capable of becoming full of various things. Even though my job is speaking it involves much more than that. It's also about getting the word out about me to the proper contacts. Talking to and meeting new people is something I take very seriously and it is done much. Take for instance Tuesday as prime example. I volunteer, as you are aware of if you read this blog routinely, every Tuesday at St. Rita's Medical Center at the Guest Services Desk, and that is right down my alley (so to speak. :) It involves seeing everyone who comes into the hospital, through the main entrance to get tests done or to visit patients, but my social agenda is much more than that. I have friends all over the hospital, new ones are met every week, and I have to promote myself and what I do to anybody who I think would benefit from my story or knows the proper contacts personally. There are HIPPA laws set forth so I'm not permitted to talk about people I see while working. For instance yesterday I met somebody who was in my sister's nursing class and her friend. I distributed business cards and stated my objective. One person I met yesterday is friends with a youth pastor somewhere, and she carbon copied a letter that she wrote to this person ivolved wth teenagers at the Church. That is just a random contact I made, and there is many more. Most involve a posibility to talk to groups, which means I would have the opportunity to touch others' lives. That is ultimately what I seek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, Matt....I told you I'd watch your video, read your blogs, and comment. This is Barb (from Findlay High School). :) I cried and smiled as I watched your video (yes...I did watch all 5:50 of it)! You are definitely a man of character and strength. I will talk to whomever I can at the school to see what we can do to get you there to speak. Stop back and visit us again sometime! And yes, I am 50 and old enough to be your mom (even though I look only 35....LOL)! :)