Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I worked (volunteered) at St.Rita's Medical Center Today. But prior to volunteering I had lunch with Jim. A few new people were met and networking was done. I learned something about editing pictures while I was helping up in the audio/visual department. Jil is in charge of that department, and it seems to me that some of the work would be rather monotonous. But some of the work seems like it would be fun, too. Working at the front desk was exciting as it usually is since many people were interacted with, but this time was extra special for I ran into (not literally) Grant, his girlfriend, and Jessica. I had not seen Grant since last basketball season, and prioe to topday I had never met his significant other. He is a fun guy to be around, and joking around with him is always the bomb. He had a USC sweatshirt on and it disturbed me. I seem to recall Grant always liking them, but I never can figure out why an Ohioan would root for any other than The Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh well, at least he does not root for Michigan! Jessica is a nurse at St. Rita's, and she helped take care of me when I spent four days in the hospital when I had high blood pressure problems. Man... I really respect nurses, maybe I should have went into that field, because they have great opportunities to help people. I think I found my calling though, and great opportunity exists to help people through my motivational/inspirational presentations. My schedule for the upcoming months is slowly, but surely, becoming busier. Ideally I would like to speak across this nation. I believe that it will happen, and with each presentaton the word will get out.

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