Thursday, April 23, 2009


I want to pray for Eric's family on this day. This must be so hard for them. Eric's situation is similar to yet not my situation. The extent of his injuries is not yet known. It may be totally different than mine or nearly the same, the recovery process that is. I can tell you that right this moment he likely is not feeling pain, because Eric is pretty drugged up and not with it consciously. We will be able to tell for sure after he regains his awareness. I ate dinner with John, Marie, and Amy yesterday, and they are Eric's parents and his sister. I am unable to distinguish if Amy is older or younger than Eric. I can however tell you that she is a very loving sibling. She reminds me of my sister, and what is eerie is that they both have kids all of which are boys. It helps me draw a similarity between my situation and that of Eric. St. Thekla again was a mainstay in our conversation. It is a battle of wills between John and I. I am not going to get into depth with it, but peering at the Parish site again it appears that they have Catholic ceremonies, but I still have my questions. I know what I'll do... call Pope Benedict XVI and settle this once and for all. John originally spelled it wrong and who knows the correct pronunciation, and based on those facts alone I'll proclaim victory, but I'm still led to doubt the validity. That is if it is really fact and not a tale. Who wants to have a victory cocktail with me?

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