Last night was an evening that was full of fun. At the reverse drawing I was down to number seven out of about 150 people. If I could have made it past just two more pulls I would have made $250, because at five people left they decided to split the $2500, that would be $500 a piece. I was oh so close, but it was terrific fun. I had an opportunity to meet some cool people. Al is one of the best coaches in Ohio high school basketball history, and his boys Rob and Brian were there. They were in charge of running this fundraiser. Steve, Bob, and Brandon were there. Coach Thompson and a real cool guy named Bret was also there. Of course I cannot forget Larry, who is also known as Buckeyeman, and is pictured with me in the photo above. I did get an autographed Greg Oden Ohio State jersey when I had my name called.
I talked with Jody today, and she informed me of Eric's condition. He (Eric) is improving. Not by leaps and bounds is he recovering, but by assured baby steps he is improving daily. Eric maintains his coma state, but his sedation level is getting smaller. I think tat means he is recovering as expected. Although I am no doctor, and assumptions can be about as good as a plastic shield when fighting an intense fire. Anyways, I know from experiences that what professionals say about a person should not be simply accepted as fact. The only person that knows what Jimmy can do is Jimmy, and even he doesn't know unless he gives it a shot. Failure is nothing more than the first step to success next time! Trying may seem endless at some time, but you will not succeed by not trying!
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