Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11.16.2011 Woody Chelsea Danielle Vince

I want to say really quick that a few week’s ago I made an erroneous assumption regarding Joe Paterno. Joe is/was viewed as a God to some PA people, and I even said that I thought he was a good coach. The key word, “was” is past tense if you notice. I don’t care how legendary he is, there is no excuse to look the other way when such heinous crimes are reported to you. Maybe Coach Paterno was part of the cover-up. We may never know. State College football program is a mess, and rumors/allegations make Ohio State’s payments and tattoo scandal look like minor infractions.

Sara Reynolds,!/Buckeyefan17, happens to have some good quotes that represent some Ohio State Buckeye success:

“I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end”. -Woody Hayes

I have to believe that he is right, that is what I believe, and in the end everything works out. Why is that? Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and I’ll tell mine in this group; whether you oppose or coincide with my ideas is up to you. God has the master plan for our lives, and everything turns out perfect in His eyes. I believe it all is contingent on us putting forth our best effort, and that means we never stop trying in life.

Mr. Hayes was fired himself for giving the opposing team’s player a knuckle sandwich during a game. His episode was on television though, and everybody else could see it. The coaching pedestal is often one that falls trap to the ‘Sports Machine.’ Meaning some coaches put sports above God and family. In my life my top priorities are God and family/friends. Those of you who know me away from Facebook understand that sports play a huge role in my life, but I keep athletics in perspective. I feel being competitive in nature definitely makes a well rounded person, athletics are an easy example, but challenges that you set for yourself can be just as effective. In other words you don’t need to be a ball player to maintain a competitive spirit, and no matter your mental or physical inadequacies you can thrive on competition Another quote, as this week’s message has plenty:

“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.”

I got this quote from my Dayton living friend, Chelsea ( Also her Facebook profile says she works as a server, at Roosters and attends Wright State University. I know several who go or went to that institution. The people you meet are affected by your interaction with them. Please remember that; you can change their reactions for a bit or for the long haul.

“The important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments.
Learn to let go of the past, and recognize that every day won't be sunny.
And when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, remember, it's only in the black of the night that you see the stars, and those stars lead you back home.” ~ Danielle

Danielle Nicole as she is known as on Facebook,, lives in Lima, and the quote is kind of lengthy but relevant. Don’t live in anger because of failures, know that it happens, and see the good, make adjustments to the bad, and know that even in the darkest days trying your best will get you to where you want to be.

For me when I was in the hospital after I awoke from my coma (5.5 months in total) all I ever wanted to do was get home, I took Dad’s advice and did what the therapists told me, and after what seemed liked an eternity to me (actually a repetitive recovery considering my condition) I did come home. The same is true for outpatient therapy; all I wanted was for it to be over, but when I couldn’t talk clearly, move my body as it needed to be moved, or function so I could live normally it was tough but accepted that I could not be done. I listened to what therapists told me, like Dad said, and eventually ended outpatient rehab. Let’s get back to the quotes:

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”
Vince Lombardi

This quote comes from the page of a recent friend named Erin Mash, from Jackson Center. Every one of us needs to dig down and find your own will to succeed. My will to improve or wanting you to experience success means nothing; you have to believe that for yourself, but hopefully what I have to say or telling my experiences will help you apply things in your life.

I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom that I got from a Facebook friend, which I see as pertinent to closing this week:

“Nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy.”

That said, taking the easy route won’t mean much to you. Difficult tasks where you have to work to succeed are the rewarding ones. Taking candy from a baby is wrong, and practicing a tireless effort to achieve something is rewarding. The things that come easy are worthless and don’t bring gleam to your personality, but the opposite is true for something that requires effort.

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!
Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11/1/2011 Royal Lamb Kortokrax Paterno James

Let’s say that you have a desire to have a closer relationship with a friend or grandparent. Now all four of my grandparents have already received their promotions, but I’ll use your ancestors as examples. I had a very close relationship with mine, and for that I am happy. If you desire a better relationship with any of your ancestors, relatives, or friends I have some simple suggestion for you after reading this week’s first quote:

"A year from now you may wish you had started today."
~Karen Lamb

I do have friends, some who live in other states (even foreign countries) that I would like to know better. If there is one of any number of intangibles that can happen (namely death or serious injury) to the person you want to know better and you’ve not met yet, Karen Lamb’s statement makes perfect sense. Procrastination was big in my academic life, but IO tried to account for it by telling myself that I worked best under pressure. My life took an abrupt turn five months before high school was over, and for a number of years after that I had to start tasks very early for it took awhile to get things done.

A lot of people think that unlikely outcomes that happen in school, sports, jobs, or anything in life occur because of luck, and they are partially right. But that word partially means that they are semi wring, too! I’ve investigated this carefully and ran across the following quote which says it like it is:

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Darrel Royal

Have you ever noticed that hard working folks who are dedicated and determined are the ones that fortunate things happen to? Good fortune, or luck as it’s commonly referred to as, occasionally happens, but more often than not good results come to those who work the hardest. By that hard work I mean those who do the preparation so they can reach their personal goals for success. However, success is not always measured by grades received, games won, or money made.

In my own personal opinion, I find luck actually accounts for only five percent of academic success. Intelligence in your genes not jeans means next to nothing. Because your parents, siblings, or cousins received excellent marks in certain subject areas at school holds little relevance to your chances in conquering the same subject when you were in school. Likewise poor scores by relatives do not doom your future. Don’t t fallback on family history to explain your grades in school. Now parents do hold a larger stake by creating an environment that applauds success and/or encourages hard work, but as individuals we determine our own happenings (once we reach the age of being able to do things for ourselves.)

Luck is often mislabeled as the reason for athletic success, too. Now in amateur athletics luck, I believe, is more prevalent than in the academic side of things. Athletes can only play high school and/or collegiate sports up to four years each, with that said the talent level changes accordingly. Talent level of the opposing team and yours therefore plays a more significant role in sports, but hard work plays a large role here, too. Some athletes were gifted at birth with skills beyond those of other children, but with hard work you can improve your shot or ball handling skills. Your team can congeal and work to play better as a unit, with practice and camaraderie Sometimes it takes a little more than luck and players to make a winning team.

Hard work is also a key characteristic of a successful coach. Ohio’s high school basketball coach with the most all-time wins is Dick Kortokrax. He is a friend of mine, and I catch much flack for that by people from every town in Putnam County, in Kalida. When Columbus Grove plays the team Kortokrax coaches I always root for my hometown Bulldogs, but I make a point of it to talk to Dick Kortokrax and that comes with demise from friends. I love basketball, though, and I’m proud to all coach K. my friend. Joe Paterno is like Kortokrax but in football at the Division I collegiate level.

Joe earned the all-time coaching wins leader on Saturday as Penn Sate won. I like to compare Dick and Joe. They both are elderly only Joe is older. Both of them are familiar with wins, believe in family, and exercise daily. Both of them need luck, as is the case with sports, and must have healthy players, but luck seems to come to those who are prepared.

Opportunity meets preparation in the job world too. Say you and your buddy are working your hardest and getting the same amount of work done in similar positions at the same place of business, but when the promotions come out there is only one in your department which your friend gets. The upper management may have had to roll the dice to determine who got the easier position and you lost. That is time where you need to seize the moment and work just as hard if not harder than before, because another promotion may come tomorrow or your buddy man not pan out in the new position. You need to be prepared when the situation presents itself.

How long is long enough to attempt the completion of a task? Let’s try to answer that with a quote:

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task"
~William James

Don’t think that I am urging you to stop clinging to hope, because that is the initial appearance of this week’s final tidbit of information. Read carefully! First and foremost I’m saying that prayer is often the most beneficial, simplest, and cheapest thing that can be done, and to pray is having hope and/or trust in the Lord that everything will turn out for the best. It all comes down to having faith in God and whether you realize it or not; He comes through! As the Garth Brooks sings in his acclaimed song, some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

William James is basically saying that nothing is as tiring as pursuing, relentlessly; trials while not getting what is sought after. His quote gets easily misconstrued as trying is not a good idea because it’s exhausting, but what gets overlooked, as seen by the behaviors of many, is the quote is playing into the minds of its’ readers, because the human nature is to not want to struggle. Mr. James says that nothing fatigues a person like reoccurring attempts done while a task remains incomplete. Finish what you’re working on until the goal is attained, is what I’m urging.

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!
Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10/27/2011 Kayla Gehle Abe Lincoln

I try to be a very kind, respectful individual, and I am polite and use manners at most time. Traditionally I try not to get too tricky with vocabulary, and try not to make these messages too confusing. Rather I attempt to pick quotes that are easily understood so that I don’t get confused trying to describe them and even the youngest members of this large group can relate to them. I did say typically! I admittedly don’t know what the following quote would be an example of, but I feel comparing life to dancing would be an example of personification (I remember that from Junior High, but when I looked that term up on Google I found that personification is commonly used to mean anthropomorphism. Personification is remembered as; giving inanimate objects living or human characteristics. Dancing is not so inanimate though, and I guess somebody with an English degree can help me out and tell me what is used in the following:

“Always Dance, even if you feel as if you will fall, while you're dancing, you will learn how to fall gracefully and rise stronger and with more balance."
~Kayla Gehle,

I am not that certain of where this Fort Recovery High school senior gathered this saying, but it seems rather unlikely to me that she formulated this on her own. I had an opportunity to speak to those high school students in grades nine through 12 at Fort Recovery on October 7th. Perhaps she did come up with the prestigious text by herself though, nothing is impossible (that I can promise you,) and I’ll simply discuss the content of this weeks first quote. I was particularly stoked initially, because bam, right, at the beginning it talks about dancing. I love to partake in dancing, even though everything except slow dancing probably looks hideous, but that doesn’t stop me from doing it. People judge me by the surface on occasion, like books are sometimes judged by their covers, and like the cover should not bring book sales down so people shouldn’t judge me by my herky-jerky fast dance regime. In the end though I know others’ perceptions about me are worth about as much as a quarter when buying snacks at a movie theatre (that pet peeve is another week,) and the perception I have about myself is all that matters when struggling with something. My advice is to stay positive and try harder in your next attempt.

Whew… back to the quote. I feel dancing is living in the above quote and fallings is the same as failing. Really I guess it’s not that difficult to understand. I have probably failed much more than many of you while learning to operate both arms similarly, walking talking and returning to nearly as normal as I was before December 6 of my senior year of high school. Some in my family would likely argue that normal was never a good description of me, because the entire Schroeder half of my relatives like to joke around and josh one another at all times. That asset of our family helps us both celebrate the good and cope with the bad times.

As always these are my opinions or views on things, and you are entitled to agree with them or dismiss them. That’s what makes us American. Nobody can make us do anything.

A Facebook friend recently said the following, and even though it was not directed at or about me or this group, it needs said again:

"I'm free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I'm free 'cause I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. "

Think about that, you are responsible for everything that you do! I am most definitely NOT encouraging you to break the law or behave stupidly if you think the rules are obnoxious, but I AM saying that it is your choice. Remember you experience joys of being safe and adhering to the laws, but you must be wiling to face the consequences for your actions. If you somehow manage to avoid repercussions for major infractions in this life then you will probably suffer in the next. God sees knows, and remembers all!

Let’s say you are suddenly in your most difficult class that you ever experienced in higher education, and it seems rather inconceivable that you will ever finish the course. That can be a flashback, the current situation, or a time to turn into Marty for some. I apologize if your name, a sibling’s, child or grandchild’s name happens to be Marty, because I’m talking about the movie, “Back to the Future,” and a time to talk about the future. By a personal standard the worst subject I ever took was English. I took an English 367 writing course in college with the terrible (and my entire class agreed with me) Dr. Werchan, and my hate of English stemming from elementary school was only strengthened. I had to grit my teeth but eventually got through it with hard work perseverance. The class, project, problem, or challenge that confronts you can be completed, but the blueprint to get by has to be personally drawn.

You have to buy into your own agenda and set your own goals. A parent, sibling, and/or rival may actually set the goal but you have to want to achieve the standard for yourself. If one is striving to reward somebody else, any effort to me seems worthless. I’m writing a book because that is what I want to do to help others tackle difficulty, because I want to do that. My personal goal is to write a book. I developed that idea on my own, and the book thing has been reinforced by several others. To consider and know my dislike for English class makes it hard to realize, but buying into the idea has already been done. I am a very dedicated person. It is getting done with hard work. I just need some help finding a publishing company to pick up my dream, and surely somebody in here knows people that can help with m project. If you do please message me away from facebook at Thank you.

Another motive needs to be had, rather than for someone else, in order to feel the joys of winning (in anything including life.) Before closing for the week, there is one saying must be told. I found the following quote by a man with his face on Mt. Rushmore. The busts of four great presidents found on the side of a mountain are a remarkable site (especially at night,) but let’s get to the quote:

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”
~Abraham Lincoln

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20/2011 Tyler Mia Keirns

This week I have to how awesome it was to attend the Van Wert football game and visit with friends… some I’ve known for awhile (Dan Arend) and some just met. I scheduled a meeting with Tyler to try and motivate him, as he was in a devastating accident more than a year ago. The problem that I see is that he is feeling sorry for himself. This guy is but a sophomore in high school, he has all the guidance and support from his parents to recover from a devastating accident that left him in much the same situation that I was after my accident, but I feel he has accepted where he is in recovery as the way he is. Settling for less than the best you can do is something I’m not fond of, and I hope that all readers of this won’t settle either. Perhaps he will not be granted a miraculous recovery, but after meeting Tyler at the beginning of last school year, and conversing with him, I see myself about 13 years ago. It’s freaky. It’s no guarantee that Tyler or anybody will make a full recovery or reach the goals they set for themselves, but it never hurts to try either. You have to set high standards for yourself and work, with ferocious abandon to reach them, at least that’s what I think.

Tyler is a great person and all his relatives met are likewise. I sat by Mia Keirns,

, Tyler’s aunt was so much fun to talk with. Her daughter, Angela is an exquisite person, but maybe the most fun I had was wearing Mia’s hat. For the record her mother, also at the game, agreed that the hat looked better on me. Lol, ha-ha please though will all readers please friend request Mia, On to the quotes:

“Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.”
~Richard Kline

I understand what Mr. Kline was trying to do here, but the way he said is wrong. A person who is confident that they will succeed at some task naturally is well prepared, but using the word “everything” when talking about what is beyond your control is completely false. In my situation prayer is huge part of preparing yourself for anything, and so is eating a well balanced meal and staying healthy (amongst other things.) Unless Richard Kline meant for all those things that each individual controls as being part of preparation then he has fallen off the wagon! You cannot prepare for the unforeseen roadblocks that hinder your progress. Let’s see what other world figures think about failure.

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail." ~Nelson Mandela

I like to say that failure is the first step to success in your next trial, and that assimilates well with what Nelson Mandela says. Great success will follow many failures as long as you keep on keeping on.

“If you don't make mistakes, you're not working on hard enough problems. And that's a big mistake.” ~F. Wilezek

Its best I find to try reaching for better than what you need, and if you set a goal that are easily attained that’s not good either.

I’ve got one more quote, and it is a proverb. I want to let you know that I am praying for Tyler’s recovery everyday, and maybe it would be nice if you make him at least put forth a healthy effort and try himself before you help him. He has to believe in himself first before he can improve. If he can improve he has to WANT IT! On to the proverb:

"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." ~Chinese proverb

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. If you share this message with all your friends that would really be great. Can you also please add your friends to this Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” (

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Have a good one, because I care!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/5/2011 Jen LaRoche and Twitter

This is a big week for me as on Friday, 10/7 at about 2:00 in the afternoon, I get the opportunity to impact lives of the student body and anyone else who wants to attend my presentation at Fort Recovery High school. That being said if you want to see what I do, come to Ft. Recovery High school at 2:00 this Friday 10/7 at 2:00. This week though I will reflect on life a bit and talk about a friend. Sometimes people feel things in their life are not fair. It’s these people, typically, who want other people to give them everything, because they do not want to apply themselves by working for anything; lazy is a better way to describe them... Sure there may be an exception here and there, but its lazy people who are usually crying that they don’t have an equal opportunity. Their opportunity was paved by themselves or their ancestors. People need to stop feeling sorry for themselves, and stay optimistic about the things they have going good. The first three sayings I gathered this week came from twitter (@matt_schroeder) and happen to be about life.

Life's not always fair. Sometimes you can get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow.

Life may seem unfair at times, but you should learn to accept your life as a gift from God and make the best you can of it. Remember He won’t give you that which you cannot handle. That’s how I see things anyhow.

Life would be perfect if girls had mute buttons, guys had edit buttons, hard times had fast forward buttons, & good times had pause buttons.

This is the saying as seen by me. No disrespect to men or women is intended. It says life would be perfect but it’s not. We have hypothetical options in this saying, but life will never be perfect. Who wants that anyway? We would never be able to experience the sweet feeling of victory, success, or winning if life was perfect. Charlie Sheen says he’s “winning,” but if that means getting booted from a very successful sitcom then I think he has an incorrect meaning of the word.

A lot of problems would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other.

Talk is an easy and cheap thing to do about people behind their backs, but productive words are done when you talk directly to them

Jennifer LaRoche is a relatively recent friend of mine on Facebook, you cannot quote me legitimately on this, but I think that I met her at Frickers in Findlay; I think she is employed there. Before I carry on lets talk a little bit about the place famous for being a sports bar.

Frickers is an excellent place to watch the game, eat some food, and drink some beer. That last thing is something that I don’t take much part in since my kidney transplant (11/23/009,) but it is still an excellent place to hang out at even if you aren’t drinking alcohol. Back in the day, when I was ages 23 through 29, there where a couple times when not driving where I also experienced some fun times with alcohol there. It’s amazing to know that I have just as much, maybe more, fun now as I did back then. Back then only I spent more. Let me be clear here and admit that it never took much to get me drunk then, because I couldn’t hold my liquor since I rarely drank silly stuff that would make the people who say I walk like I’m drunk correct, but in hindsight it was stupid. Beer is a waste of money I feel.

Back to Jen now,, and she works at Frickers. That’s what had me sidetracked for a moment; it feels necessary for me to remark on the many quality experiences I’ve had at that fine wings place. One time I met Ms. LaRoche there, and that was a quality encounter I feel. Jennifer is responsible for showing me the next quote:

Take chances and never have regrets. Forget the past but remember what it taught you.

I wholeheartedly agree with this saying, apparently Jen LaRoche does as well, and that is why I have the upmost respect for her. First it tells to take chances and never have regrets. That could mean that you should never feel bad about taking chances, or it could be saying never have regrets in general. I say, right on, either way it is viewed, or if you don’t take chances in your life you can never experience that true sense of accomplishment. Alternatively if you live your life without regretting anything that means one has always tried their hardest and is happy with their life. I’m happy about mine and wish no drastic changes, and I hope all readers of this are satisfied, as I am yet still yearning to do greater with my life. The thing about not dwelling on the past but remember what it has taught you closes up the saying, but I must mention about it. Sometimes, although a rarity, people think that I cannot let go of the past (with the retelling parts of my accident to many people,) but believe me when I affirmatively shout that that I am only trying to help others while using my amazing accident and recovery as a crutch in the process. I’ve accepted God’s plans for my life almost immediately when I awoke from my extended nap. Of course I wish it never happened, but I do NOT regret it! Those are two different things!

I love the way Jen thinks, but I am neither in love with Jen nor anyone else at the present time. We met once for crying out loud, but I am very impressed after meeting her. I liked our discussion and think she has a good head on her shoulders. Love was mentioned because it leads nicely to my last quote this week:

Love isn't about finding a perfect person. It's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

Many people think that they have found the perfect person, or they have to find yet the perfect person to build a loving relationship with. This saying is so right, but so wrong to. Love isn’t perfect and neither are people, but my impression is that one female is out there that is perfect for me. Meaning, the last half of this week’s final quote type saying is right on, too. When a person falls in love the inadequacies of their partner become almost transparent. The imperfect person appears perfect. It’s not the case in merely one or two cases but all of them. When a man loves a woman… sorry, I was really singing that.

I have not found a girl that I am in love with yet, but hopefully some day I’ll be able to call some woman my wife. I would need to fall in love though, and that takes time and commitment from both sides. Some people think I’m crazy for continuing to wait for that one perfect person, as I’ve said a perfect person doesn’t exist, but she would seem perfect to me.

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!
Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9.21.2011 Greene da Vinci Larson Exposure

I know it has been awhile; I’ve been swamped lately, and let’s just say that the weekend is a time for football (Friday through Sunday.) Friday, and an occasional Saturday, is devoted to high school football; collegiate football is typically Saturday, and professional football is Sunday. There is typically an evening NCAA game sometime on the weekday nights and NFL on Mondays, but those Mon. – Thur. games are only watched if it has substantial interest by me. Aside from this I am writing an autobiography/self-help book, we are cutting down trees and splitting wood, going to Mass an attending meetings at church, and giving talks various places (I wish to speak more though.) Oh and typically I try to find an opening to play cards, too. Now you posses knowledge of hat takes up a section of my time I can get on with the message.

It does not really matter if your first name is Aaron or Allie or your last name is Zellner or Ziegler, because if you are getting these messages I care about you. Thank you and please share this with and add your facebook friends, who are not yet here, to this list. Some members, of course, I care more about than others (like anything you are a part of,) some are related to me, some are my friend away from Facebook, but all of you are cared about. Caring means I am concerned about your health, and that lends itself to talk about this messages first quote:

“Health is not simply the absence of sickness.”
- Hannah Greene

Being healthy can mean many things besides not having a contagious illness. In fact I knew people who died of cancer, but they were healthy. That sounds a little hard to understand; it’s even hard for me to understand at first, and I am the one typing. Health can be a number of things, and there are three that I’ll generalize; they are physical, mental, and spiritual health. One can deduce, if they’ve been on this list for awhile or know me away from here, that I am a spiritual person (hopefully by my actions,) an I hope that you know God and give the Savior respect and thanks at all times. It’s no mystery to many, but there are several newcomers, so I’ll say again that I am a Catholic. If you aren’t worry not, because I am not trying to have you jump ship on your religion and become Catholic. Ridiculous that would be. I am urging everyone to be strong in their faith, whatever it may be.) I am not refuting anyone here, your beliefs are just that, yours. Please though have faith is something. Hannah says. In the quote above that health is not only about sickness (physical and mental health,) and I took that to mean it’s one’s spiritual health that completes them.

Some might say that mental health is about being smart in math and science, and the person with that greatest type of health can figure themselves past the most difficult tasks and or situations. Here is another view:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. He’s basically saying that brightest people are able articulate things in a simple manor so that everybody (regardless of background) is able to understand. And when you are doing something difficult, or at an impasse (roadblock) while attempting to overcome a task, it’s best to break down the ultimate goal into many smaller and simpler ones, and then once meet all the criteria one by one you will have conquered the larger achievement. To summarize what da Vinci says, and me too, ultimately intelligent people get there by achieving simple things. The next quote is about t you, specifically.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle.”
- Christian D. Larson

If you try something don’t pass the standard twice, you keep trying but do not succeed the third time, many would call that and/or you a failure. Typically if you try something and fail the third time time, people quit and say they failed. Technically it is failure without success after a trio of trials. Failure is nothing more than the first step to success the next time! Hop back on your horse and try again. Sometimes failure is necessary to feel a sense of winning. Note I am against what Charlie Sheen regards as winning, lol. No matter how futile your chances seem it’s always best to give it a shot!

“A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business. He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check. He should ask each morning, am I prepared to lift-off?”
-Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, "Northern Exposure"

I never saw that show but found assimilating living with a pre-flight check interesting and true. Always treat each day as your last, because it may be. I know that I’m prepared for lift off although I hope and pray that God isn’t calling my name just. In my opinion the Father has called my name twice, but at the last instant it was decided that He was not ready for me yet. I’m not done helping yet! Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

Thank you so much for being my friend. Please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You.” Please check this awesome video; Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

9/1/2011 Kristie Indian Lake

Wow this past weekend was amazing, the fun had and the people (mainly one specific person, but we’ll get to that after giving the setting a bit) I met were awesome. Let me explain; Brian and I went to Indian Lake and stayed at a friend’s house on the water’s edge (and no I’m not talking about the Seven Mary Three song.) Last year we also went there (same weekend, before Labor Day weekend,) but that year we were there for Friday and Saturday nights. Brian is recently engaged and was busy on Friday, so we left Saturday morning. We visited with my sister’s family a little, and I went in the water for a little while. Brian rode his jet-ski for awhile, and I even tried it out. Never have I ridden a stand on model before, and the hope was I would at least be able to cruise around on my knees. That never panned out but was fun trying. After I cleaned up I was ready to go out and experience some of the nightlife (all within walking distance.)

We had heard Froggy’s was the place to eat. They serve excellent food including broasted chicken, large sandwiches, and they always have top-notch entertainment, and we wanted to check out their infamous Swim up Pool Bar (even though we weren’t planning on getting wet.) A website for this Indian Lake resort is,, but I’m not certain when it is edited. Froggy’s menu looked enticing, but we changed our minds before ordering food.

My brother-in-law, Rob said that Achesons was another point of interest, and we were going to check out their grub. Achesons Resort on Turkey Foot Point on the North side of Indian Lake is famous for its fish fry’s, but they are on Friday nights, and we missed it. I’m not a huge fish eater anyway so I’m not too disappointed. Each weekend boaters go to Achesons and enjoy music and entertainment from their boats and in their outdoor dinning room. We weren’t boating, the menu seemed subpar to that of Froggy’s, and so we planned on going back to the home of the poolside bar. However as Brian was glancing at their menu I heard music playing, and that instantly made eating became of a lesser importance to me.

I cannot bust a move like I could before my accident, but I love to dance. Lol I cannot tell everyone a big fat lie such as my previous sentence and still feel okay about myself and trying to let others know about me; the lie wasn’t that I love to dance, I truly do, but anybody that knew before 12/6/2007 knows that I never could bust a move very well. True that my car catastrophe made my moves worse, but I never was a very smooth dancer. That’s okay since others’ perceptions never have impacted my actions as far as twisting goes.

I hopped right in the middle of the dance pack; it’s not shocking that I went where all the people were, because I love meeting new people. I approach a group of girls who looked like they were there to have fun, as I was, and asked one of them to dance. She told me she was married to which I said that didn’t matter, I was just looking to have fun dancing. Apparently that was not the right thing to say, because she backed away. I danced with her friend a bit, and then the first girl finally wanted to dance. Kristie was her name, and we danced the night away.

Kristie said she thought I was just some guy trying to hit on her, but then she saw from watching me dance with others that I was fine. I imagine Kristie thought I was drunk, too when I first introduced myself, because most people do in that bar scene setting. She really is married, and I really am single, but that didn’t matter to either of us. Kristie found out that I was true to my word; I just wanted to dance. It was so crazy humid out there that I really was dripping sweat off my face. The sweat would preclude I was wore out, but I was having so much fun that after I dried my face and drank many fluid ounces of water I went back to dancing before we went back to Froggy’s for some pizza. It was excellent, and I talked with a group of drunken guys there, which was comical.

It turned out that when these intoxicated infant-like adult were still sober they were also at Achesons getting their drink on. Their words that came next were offensive to Kristie and me. The wasted gentlemen asked me if I scored, because they saw me at Achesons trying to get lucky with some girl. In hindsight (always 20/20) I should have said yes, I did get lucky for I found what I was looking for, somebody to dance with. If I would have said yes, instead of no, to their question though, these fellows would not have been able to wrap reality up in their heads, due to a sobriety issue. Why is it that people, typically guys, seem to insist that having a food time with someone means sex? And I think scoring means achieving what you set out to do. The word score was first introduced to me with sports and making a basket, goal, touchdown, or completing whatever you are attempting

After the pizza was gone we journeyed back to Achesons only the band and music had just ended. I did see Kristie outside though, and we thanked each other while speaking briefly. I never told her about the small minded drunk dudes until now. Kristie complimented me by saying that I was not like most other guys dancing, because I left some open area, and did not hold her tight and get up in her personal space. That Saturday evening was the most fun I’ve had in awhile and it will stick in my memory for years. Thanks again Kristie if you read this.

After our second take of Achesons was over, we closed down the bar, then we made we made our third Froggy’s experience. It didn’t last too long, and before I knew it we were in the Tilton Hilton,,and they had Karaoke. The bar is so named for everything inside is angled (i.e. tilted.) Of course I sang The Gambler. Everyone who knows me well has heard me sing that song, but what most don’t know is that I’ve actually improve. I’m not, however, saying that I sing good enough to make an album (we’ll leave that to the professionals,) but I don’t think you’d want to smash your radio, if you heard me on there, like in years past. Don’t worry I won’t be singing on your radio, but all I am saying is that my singing is bearable. Lol.

I am very sorry for getting lost in my Indian Lake discussion and not inspiring or being motivational this week, I got a little carried away. I’ll likely be back next time, and I’ll leave you with one saying that I’ve previously messaged about:

“God won’t give you anything in life He doesn’t think you can’t handle.” -- Unknown
God won’t give you so much that you handle it. With hard work you can jump higher, run faster, score better, or succeed at anything. Succeeding does not always mean that your score is better than the opposition. Therefore one can succeed and not win the contest, so can a team, and the rest is up to you!

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!
Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

8/22/2011 Allie Yaw Ben Franklin Cosby Happiness

8/22/2011 Allie Yaw Ben Franklin Cosby Happiness
Before I get started I must apologize for not getting a group message out last week due to being all wrapped up taking down some decent sized ash trees in my parents’ yard, splitting them, and stacking hem near the edge of the edge of the yard these past few weeks. The process is ongoing and as long as I don’t injure myself greatly it will continue. I said greatly because last Thursday I either bruised or broke some ribs (either way they heal naturally.) And then Friday morning I had a collision between my face an a log and a log, trust me wood isn’t soft, and it resulted in seven stitches just above my right eye by 9:30 in the morning, but by nearly 11:00 that same morning I was back at it. Injury, unless drastic, can’t hold me down long, and even with any serious problem I at least make light of the situation and be the best I can.

I also found a friend who shares all my interests, at least everything we’ve talked about. Allie Yaw seems like an all American type of girl, introduced to me by Danika Boever. I’m really excited to have her as a friend. She currently lives out of this state (I mean OH not my state of mind,) though. I look forward to learning all about her. Talking to her has made me happy.

Now I must talk this week about happiness. What does it really take for you to be truly happy and where do you find your state of happiness? Many people pin happiness to external factors...if only we had more money...or a better house...or whatever your latest "want" is, they say that’s where you find happiness, but let’s investigate and explore happiness a little deeper. If you choose to disregard me now (or whenever) that is your option and right, and please let nothing I say derail you from your beliefs. Perhaps my rants will shed new light on various avenues and/or people you encounter or meet, respectfully. This week I’ll resort to quoting one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, as I talk about and try to find happiness, in this week’s first quote:

"The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up to it yourself." ~ Benjamin Franklin

Now even though Mr. Franklin is from the colonial times era (1705-1790,) we can still find refuge in his life. The quote mentions the U.S. Constitution (the basis for this country,) and there is currently much debate on the legitimacy of adherence to it’s’ contents that I will not get into. This group is not intended o be political but motivating. And this week’s first quote also talks about happiness. I am still hoping to clarify that a bit, but first I must briefly mention Big Ben. And no I’m not talking about the often criticized Rothlisberger (for his life away from the NFL,) nor the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, when I say “Big Ben,” and I’m not even a Pittsburgh Steelers fan like some of you.

Today I’d like to share a situation and concept from the book, “The Road to Happiness,” by Mac Anderson and BJ Gallagher (and I love that last name for it makes me think of comedy and smashing watermelons,) for in it I find what I must do and where I can go to find happiness.

Mac talks about how he likes talking to taxi drivers when he goes from the airport to a hotel, convention center, or restaurant, because they’re often immigrants with fascinating personal histories and unusual cultural backgrounds. Mac asked one driver, after his usual question about where is the popular places he takes customers to eat and hang out, an hypothetical inquiry; ”If you could live anywhere in the world- and if money was no object- where would you live?” His driver gave a response to the question that would require most people to pause and think, at least a minute or two, about luxurious places without hesitation, and I think everyone can benefit from the drivers response.

The taxi driver said, “I live in my heart. So it really doesn’t matter where my body lives. If I’m happy inside, then I live in Paradise, no matter where my residence is.” Everybody heed that wisdom, because if you aren’t happy internally then we can’t truly be happy on the surface no matter the situation. That’s why I can reply, when somebody asks me where the best place to hang out is, by saying wherever I am, and that is NOT being cocky or arrogant; it’s the honest truth. I also like hanging with people I know or ones that have similar interests to me. That’s why I wish Allie Yaw lived a lot closer to me (maybe even in Northwest Ohio,) because I think catching a game with her, or even just having an in person conversation with her would be awesome. Maybe it will happen someday.

I don’t have much experience riding in a taxi cab, but I do hear stories from time to time. There is one more thing related to happiness and that’s humor, and I’ve found a quote on my new friend, Matthew Sharpe’s page,

"If you can find the humor in anything, you can survive it."
-Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby is a well known comedian himself, but his quote speaks volumes. My family, immediate and my uncles/aunts, find humor in everything and at all events. That even goes for sickness and funerals of loved one’s, too. Personally I think laughing is a great way to cope with everything. Maybe that’s why my family is so close and that closeness survives through both thick and thin. Allie is fun to share a laugh with, too.

A smile/laughing/humor/happiness is like a flower with a pleasant scent, your smile can draw people close enough to see inside you. If you like people then I suggest that you smile. Or if you don’t like people then I suggest that you smile. It will make them jealous. Notice that Allie Yaw is the definition of happiness, throughout this week’s message. Please add your friends to this group.

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Lauren/Angel Williams,, is from Toronto, Ontario and that’s in Canada, but now she lives in Tampa, Florida. When I think of Canada I think of Joey Votto, because I am a sports nut (Votto is a Canadian born Cincinnati Reds baseball player.) But let me briefly talk about Lauren, and I possibly (I think that I did) use one of her quotes previously, but it was in the initial stages of this group… neither I nor the vast majority of you can recall for certain. Lauren had the following quote on her facebook page:

“Health, happiness, and success depend on the fighting spirit of each person. The big thing is not what happens to us in life- but what we do about what happens to us.”
-Lauren Williams

Even though Lauren says she only speaks French a little she was born in Canada, and when I took my foreign language in my junior year of high school the class went on a week long field trip one spring to Quebec, Canada. We locked in whether we were going early that school year and even though I never went (because baseball was in the springtime,) I have always associated French speaking people with Canada even though the majority of Canadians speak English primarily. Many of my classmates went there to “learn” the French language and culture (Lol, yeah right… it was a celebration,) but I was focused on sports and studies. I did tear my ACL, meniscus, and cartilage the winter of my junior year and was not participating in baseball at the time of the excursion, but I was locked in on rehabilitation (basketball was coming soon) so I never went on the field rip. Maybe if we would have travelled to France I would have gone.

Speaking of France makes me think of my friend Delphine Brun,, and she speaks their national language, but she also speaks English fairly well. She has a master degree, as I do, and I enjoy talking with her. She was a fan of the show “Lost” when it was on. I liked that show too, but the ending (or lack thereof) left a sour taste in my mind. I think she mentioned Elvis Presley last time we spoke, and Elvis was a big Gospel music guy. I am a fan of his hits, but not the following Elvis video, .
I am running short on time this week since I am busy with cutting down trees in our yard that are dead (ash trees-,) but I’ll put two more quotes. Every Ash tree we have is infected. The first one is kind of comical I think, but who knows (I’ve never been married):
“Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed.” - Albert Einstein

What I think of when I hear Albert Einstein usually involves books and gaining knowledge, definitely not love and marriage. I am relatively certain that he never spoke in fragments… like the ending sentence of his quote above. Therefore the certainty of it’s’ legitimacy remains somewhat uncertain in my opinion. The last quote is about life:

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain…”
-Vivian Greene

Have a great week everybody.

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. Please add all your friends to this group by clicking “Add Friends” on the right hand side of the wall. Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.
Never stop trying to succeed!


Sent to the group: 8/4/2011
Often times, situations in your life (specifically yours now) unravel in such a way that we are quick to call a “mulligan” or do over. Let it be known that mulligan is a golf term that is often used in other arenas in life. I am not a golfer (not even a poor one at that nor average or good.) I have never golfed and even recorded my individual score on the course. However I have been to the golf course a four times (unless you count when their clubhouse was the wedding or gathering location. Two times, over the years, I’ve been part of scrambles for the Pizzeria, and two separate times I went to the driving range. Never have I started or completed an individual round of golf that is not Putt-Putt.

Let’s define a mulligan in golf again. A mulligan, most simply put, is a "do-over." Hit a bad shot? Take a mulligan and replay that stroke. They are never "legal" under standard golfing rules. Mulligans are typically employed during friendly rounds by golf buddies; or during charity tournaments where they are sometimes sold. If mulligans are for sale, that means the golfer can buy, say, three mulligans for a set price each. The sale of mulligans is sometimes used as an additional fund-raiser at charitable events. Therefore PGA golfers do not partake in these, yet there is a prominent golfer named Tiger Woods probably wishes he had a do over on his life and marriage. Time for the first quote:

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
-Carl Bard

Once you start something you may as well make it look as good as you can at the end. If you don’t like what you’ve scored or you want to make an alternate attempt at a task, sometime that’s okay and you try again. On the other hand others things, especially in certain life events are done for good and they cannot be altered, taken back or done over. Like Tiger cannot make a new start to his life, the acts that most people would frown on are done (it’s anybody’s guess if Woods really frowns at his wrongdoings or even if he sees them as wrong,) but he can start from now and try to make the best out of his remaining earth dwelling time.

I am not full of knowledge about Carl Bard, and a good/quality biography of him dies not stand out when I just looked on Google. Instead many pages are found about his quotes. I don’t really care about furthering neither your knowledge nor mine, but let’s closely look at the quote in this message. I picked this particular quote, because it spoke volumes to me. I hope it will help you change yourself for the better, too. If you feel better about results and your endings anyone who crosses your path or walks beside you will likewise be happier. Your success and happiness is contagious. Whether you recognize it as being true or not matters not; people (friends, neighbors, parents, children, siblings, relatives, educators, etc.) are affected by the way you live. As nobody besides our Creator is omniscient (well my Dad…Lol I am kidding) we cannot have a do over of our past. Once a game, task, or day is over that’s it, because this is NOT “Groundhog Day” (1993) and we are not Bill Murray.

What we can do however is make happy endings; it’s all about what you do with the solid aspects you cannot change and the tangible things you can. Your life is about how you react. Just because you cannot change what already happened in your life, the ending can change drastically.

Stephanie Turner,, is a friend that has recently joined this group. I’ll paraphrase something that she said, and then briefly analyze that which I found on her facebook page:

Life’s joys don’t come from a store, but the heart and the warmth put into it, make your final choices in life when He calls you home, but don’t regret a thing; it’s not worth the scorn.
- Stephanie Turner

Steph lives out near the west coast where she studies architecture at the Art Institute of Las Vegas, Nevada. She says she is only 20, but I have a hard time believing that. I guess she is just really advanced for her age in some regards. To me she is saying that you cannot buy happiness, and that says to disregard material possessions. And it’s up to your kindness and work ethic that matter when God brings you to heaven Then Steph only adds to her admire ability by saying don’t regret anything, because what’s done is done. Worrying is pointless. I’ve never heard of a twenty year old, that has not looked death in the eye, having such a great outlook on life. If you think what I have to say about anything is false then don’t believe but disregard it. I never held a gun to your head and said read this or else. If you’re still reading yo chose to do so. Thanks.

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. Please add all your friends to this group by clicking “Add Friends” on the right hand side of the wall. Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.
Never stop trying to succeed!

P.S. I am very hopeful that I will have an autobiography out by this time next year.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Publishers wanted

Thanks to Lena's help I will have a manuscript done but am seeking a publisher that will print and publish.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sent to group 7/29/2011
I would like to start this week’s message with talking about TJ Johnson a little bit. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska but studied Cinema and Theater at the University of Iowa (Iowa brings up another story which resulted in me knowing that the rest areas are all fairly clean in that state.) However nobody wants to hear about a young man’s battles with diarrhea while using a walker on a family vacation attempt just after high school graduation, unless you’re twisted mentally, so I’ll avoid mentioning that Iowa episode again. I’ll reinforce part of his credo and tear up the rest in the next paragraph, but if you’d like to know more about this personal consultant, Mr. Johnson, here is his page,

TJ’s personal credo: “We can only control two things in this lifetime. Our attitude and our reactions; everything else is out of our control.”

Indeed we control our attitude and reactions, but I find it to be a bit misleading when he says that everything else is out of our control. True that we can only be certain to control that which is our own lives, but everything in life stems from our attitude and reactions. When he says everything else being out of our control it refers to other peoples’ lives. Hold it right there! That happens to be false! You can as parents, friends, teachers, coaches, or motivational speakers mold, shape, impact, steer, or at least influence the lives of others. Only Joe can literally control what Joe does, but I think, correction I know that we can partially control others. You can make a difference in what others do.

Before I move on to another quote I will ask for some help. I need somebody to help me with my autobiography. If you can help write a book, or know of somebody who can, please contact me at Hopefully I have somebody who is going to build/ghostwrite on the 23,000+ words I have already, and one person who is willing to help, but they have a fee of $2000. Anybody who ghostwrites for me will get a 10% commission on all sales. The person who may help me write will and publish will end up making more than $2000 anyway, because my life is vastly intriguing.

The next source for a quote lives in Centerville, Ohio and works at Champs Sports. I’d like to thank Candace Michelle O’kelly,, for the following quote:

“I love my life & I would never trade it for anything... Love your friends & family cause you never know what God has in store for us in the future.”
-- Candace Michelle O’Kelly

Candace, that makes me want to meet you, because our line of thinking is similar. Readers, I suggest living your life in a way so you can love it. As Kenny Rogers sings, and me too (lol,) “every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser.” Aside from that beautiful quote, Candace’s page also has a fascinating Bob Marley saying that I’ll link to:

Let it be known that Candace is somebody I’d love to meet someday, as is my friend from France, but I’m moving on to this week’s last quote. A friend of my friend suggested the source for the following quote:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
--Maggie Betz

Maggie,, went to Mother of Mercy High School, which is in Cincinnati, but she currently attends Tiffin University. Her saying is great and I felt that you all should see it. That’s everything.

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. If you add all your friends to this group it would really be great. Can you also please add your friends to this Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Never stop trying to succeed!

7.29.2011 Candace Okelly TJ Johnson Maggie Betz

Sent to group 7/29/2011
I would like to start this week’s message with talking about TJ Johnson a little bit. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska but studied Cinema and Theater at the University of Iowa (Iowa brings up another story which resulted in me knowing that the rest areas are all fairly clean in that state.) However nobody wants to hear about a young man’s battles with diarrhea while using a walker on a family vacation attempt just after high school graduation, unless you’re twisted mentally, so I’ll avoid mentioning that Iowa episode again. I’ll reinforce part of his credo and tear up the rest in the next paragraph, but if you’d like to know more about this personal consultant, Mr. Johnson, here is his page,

TJ’s personal credo: “We can only control two things in this lifetime. Our attitude and our reactions; everything else is out of our control.”

Indeed we control our attitude and reactions, but I find it to be a bit misleading when he says that everything else is out of our control. True that we can only be certain to control that which is our own lives, but everything in life stems from our attitude and reactions. When he says everything else being out of our control it refers to other peoples’ lives. Hold it right there! That happens to be false! You can as parents, friends, teachers, coaches, or motivational speakers mold, shape, impact, steer, or at least influence the lives of others. Only Joe can literally control what Joe does, but I think, correction I know that we can partially control others. You can make a difference in what others do.

Before I move on to another quote I will ask for some help. I need somebody to help me with my autobiography. If you can help write a book, or know of somebody who can, please contact me at Hopefully I have somebody who is going to build/ghostwrite on the 23,000+ words I have already, and one person who is willing to help, but they have a fee of $2000. Anybody who ghostwrites for me will get a 10% commission on all sales. The person who may help me write will and publish will end up making more than $2000 anyway, because my life is vastly intriguing.

The next source for a quote lives in Centerville, Ohio and works at Champs Sports. I’d like to thank Candace Michelle O’kelly,, for the following quote:

“I love my life & I would never trade it for anything... Love your friends & family cause you never know what God has in store for us in the future.”
-- Candace Michelle O’Kelly

Candace, that makes me want to meet you, because our line of thinking is similar. Readers, I suggest living your life in a way so you can love it. As Kenny Rogers sings, and me too (lol,) “every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser.” Aside from that beautiful quote, Candace’s page also has a fascinating Bob Marley saying that I’ll link to:

Let it be known that Candace is somebody I’d love to meet someday, as is my friend from France, but I’m moving on to this week’s last quote. A friend of my friend suggested the source for the following quote:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
--Maggie Betz

Maggie,, went to Mother of Mercy High School, which is in Cincinnati, but she currently attends Tiffin University. Her saying is great and I felt that you all should see it. That’s everything.

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. If you add all your friends to this group it would really be great. Can you also please add your friends to this Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Never stop trying to succeed!

7.20.2011 Kayla Miller Star wars Rocky

Sent to the group on: 7/20/2011
This week I think we will talk a little about stars and see where that leads this entry. I really want to talk about the Movie Star wars and certain characters in that film, and others that would be considered movie stars, but first I will mention who or what is a star to me. It goes without saying that the smartest person in the world, to me, and my hero and role model is my Dad, but there is a certain profession that I’ll speak on. There are many ways and many jobs you can do to help people. Anyone who really knows me, maybe they’re in my head, knows for sure what I’m going to talk about. That’s making a pretty darn big assumption, because at times even I don’t know, and everybody is unaware of, what I’ll say next.

I do speaking because that gives me the best chance to impact lives; I am well aware that doing therapy (PT, OT, or Speech) is a great way to help people regain normalcy, but the profession that I respect the most is nursing. I recently spoke with Kayla Miller, She is from Delphos, OH, and currently attends Rhodes State and studies Nursing. I am in awe of her as I am anybody that’s a nurse or preparing to be one. Believe me I’ve almost died twice 12 years apart, for unrelated reasons, and nurses receive most of the credit for keeping me alive credit for keeping me alive.

Kayla, I’m impressed with you and what you do. That’s for sure, and to me you are a star. I realize that we may have met at a game sometime already, but I want to meet you sometime. Kayla says, “don’t pass someone you care about without telling them that you do, because you never know when that person will no longer be there.” With that in mind I’ll say that I care about you Kayla, and I care about everyone. I want everyone to make the best of the opportunities they’ve been dealt. Whether we have similar or different opinions, I care. Just because you are ordering a pizza with sauerkraut on it, I dislike that, I still care about it. If I’m going to eat it then I care what the toppings are; just because I say that I care doesn’t mean I like it. Now let me get past my personal stars.

Star Wars was a great series of movies, and now my nephews are big time into the characters. I tell you what even the youngest of my sister’s three boys, Nick at age three, knows every character, and they (my three nephews) even have action figures to play with. I’ll tell you I’ve learned some new characters. The boys rave about the new movies (which I understand are prequels,) but I’ve never paid enough attention to know some new names. I imagine that they are good, but I already know what happens a little later for I saw the earlier releases. I just don’t understand why they do that? To me seems like having Rocky Balboa fight the big Russian (Ivan Drago) and follow that with a bout against James “Clubber” Lang (played by Mr. T,) and the death of Mickey, his trainer. That would be Rocky IV (1985) before Rocky III (1982). That seems incoherent.

I’ve only seen reruns of the early Sylvester Stallone as Rocky movies, and let me interrupt this week’s Star Wars conversation to mention the Italian Stallion known as Rocky Balboa. “Sly” also starred in many other movies, sometimes series (such as Rambo.) There have been six Rocky movies, with the possibility of a seventh. Sylvester Stallone has alluded to feeling the need to continue the Rocky saga, and has said, in effect, that the older he gets the more necessary it is to write another Rocky movie. I’ve seen the first six of the series (multiple times each,) and I see no reason why I would not see the next one. It seems safe to say the Stallone won’t star in a prequel (as he turned 65 years old On July 9, 2011,) but he is also a director, writer, and occasional painter. So who knows what they’ll dream up?

The whole Star Wars sequence doesn’t seem right but backwards to me (with the latest release being a prequel,) and that’s why I’ve not bought into all the latest hoopla regarding the new releases of Star Wars. Maybe I’m missing something marvelous, but that’s just going to be my loss, I guess. I don’t remember when the Star Wars movies were first released (as like I’m not aware of the first releases of most Rocky movies,) because I’m not that old (lol, but I am single and willing to hang out with people- even if they are overseas, right db.) I did do a bit of research on the Star Wars series though so I could be up to date with my three and four year old nephews, who are at my house all week. Mom and Dad think it’s their house, ha-ha, but I just let them live here. I’m merely kidding about who owns this house. I think my nephew’s favorite character is Darth Vader, but he is on the Dark Side, which is bad. They like Yoda, too, and he is a good guy so we’ll investigate him a little, because it will be a positive force and good for my motivational message.

He talks weird, Yoda does, but he speaks with remarkable intellect at times. Here’s an example:

"Named must your fear be, before banish it you can."

What are your fears? The quote says you have to recognize and know what you gear before you can overcome it. Maybe that was a question that you’ll choose to answer silently or on this wall. I don’t mind which way you choose to answer. It can be a rhetorical situation, but I’ll tell you some of my biggest fears. Why do I do that you ask? It’s because Yoda told me to do so.

Probably my biggest fear is that I won’t live up to my own expectations. My expectations are to have a wife and kids, but the wife needs to happen before the kids. I want to have a mutual love with somebody. Believe me, even a guy as ugly as me gets his opportunities, but I’m not just going to get freaky with some random girl. In fact if you were to want an offer that, it depreciates my view of you. Believe me I seek that, but only after I find somebody to love. Maybe that won’t happen, that’s my greatest fear, but I owe it to the Big Guy, and if He thinks a wife and kids would be best for me then we’ll fall in love. I thought I met a girl, who could be that someday, but the jury has not come to a verdict yet. Sometimes the judge calls a recess, too. What advice would Yoda give me in this situation, as if I listened to him?

As I was reading through Yoda’s sayings, it became clear that sometimes the old character forgets that we are only human. For instance, consider the following quote:

"Do or do not... there is no try."

That quote cannot be more incorrect. I guess the story writers and movie makers created the green, short, and wrinkled character to be out of this world, and so some of his quotes are meant to be outlandish. This quote of Yoda immediately makes me want to stop reading Star Wars quotes. Although right for Yoda, it goes against every thought I have and what I say to you very often. I am feeling irate about now.

On January 5.2010 I mentioned the following, and I’ve been try to help people see this point over and over. Maybe you are unsuccessful in an attempt to win a game, a race, a contest, or a challenge (either personally set or one delegated by somebody else,) but your not having success initially does not warrant failure unless/until trials are ceased. Try is the essence of what I am saying. I wish the old green alien dude that most people recognize, know, or associate as Yoda could be at one of my presentations. He would see and realize that those “do not” or cannot (can’t, but I detest that word) situations may transform into can or “do” situations

Now typically if you try something for the third time time and you do not succeed people quit and say they failed. Listen up… they are half right! Technically it IS failure when you don’t succeed after three trials. Failure IS the first step to success the next time! Hop back on your horse and try again. In order to really feel good about succeeding, in some instances, it works out better to fail first. Give it another shot. That’s what I do. If you do things over and over again, you’ll get better at whatever you are trying.

Thank you so much for being my friend and reading this message. If you add all your friends to this group it would really be great. Can you also please add your friends to this Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Have a good one, because I care!

Friday, July 15, 2011

7/14/2011 Lena Hunt

Sent to the group: May 15, 2011
Celebritize You,, is one that I’ve been sharing motivation with as of late, and we have spoken to each other briefly on skype. It’s too bad our connection became too weak to continue conversation. Celebritize You is the stage name, or so I’ll call it, for my friend Lena Hunt. She posted the following on this group’s wall, and I’d like to talk about it;

“People say they wish they knew what the future will bring. Yet you are creating your future right now whether you mean to or not.” ~Lena Hunt

This struck me as pertinent to this group, and I would like to embelish a little deeper. Please be advised that I think it is best for you to believe and/or practice whatever sort of beliefs or religion that you want, because my aim via this message, as usual, is not to vilify your religious beliefs. I may challenge you if we don’t see eye to eye or defame you if you ridicule others for their opinions, but never will I persecute you base on you religion. These messages are my opinion, and I hope that you have something that you do believe in. It’s nice knowing that your life has a purpose and reason even if we are always certain what it is.

People occasionally and mistakenly think that God is in total control of your life. Hear me out here please. I believe that the spirit with the ultimate force is God (a trinity in my belief- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,) but they do not control what you do. This group’s title explains it a little better: God is has the power to control you, but “The Rest is Up to You.” There is another, different, maybe better (but maybe not) way to explain what I mean, but I’ll let you be the judge.

As mentioned a couple of weeks ago I worked as a counselor at Camp Echoing Hills ( back in the summer of 2005. A song we sang was “Potter’s Hand,” as sung by the group Hillsong United. Here is the beginning part of the lyrics:

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful savior
I know for sure all of my days are held in your hands
Crafted into your perfect plans
That clearly says “my days” and not your days, and it talks about them being crafted into your perfect plan. When things are crafted that implies different ways to achieve the same means, and even yet this analysis seems a bit derailed. Then near the end of the song we have:

Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me.

This would be you asking the Lord to help you try to be like him. In essence Lena was right, and we have every right to shape our own lives. God know what will happen, but it remains a mystery to us.

Lena is involved with PR services, and you can read all about her here, I am intrigued to see what she can do to help me get the word out there, give more motivational/inspirational presentations and most importantly write an autobiography. Helping others gives you a great feeling when you do that for somebody. The following tells me that Lena has the same philosophy that I do about helping others.

“In this game called life, it's about reciprocating. Help one another.” ~Lena Hunt

On May 26 I spoke of John Michael Montgomery and his song, ‘Life’s A Dance.’ I proceeded to analyze the lyrics and the chorus:

Life's a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don't worry about what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go

That says nothing about reciprocating anything; it talks about life, though, and I’d love to alter what I feel about life. Life is a combination of what Mr. Montgomery says and what Lena Hunt says. To me life is a dance we learn as we go, but it sure is nice to help when others are in need.

I’m sorry this message was more lackluster than most, but I was swamped yesterday and it only gets worse on Friday. Have a great weekend.

A big thank you goes out to everybody who has joined this group recently: please add your friends to the group by going to the group wall ( and clicking Add Friends to Group. Enter your friends’ names and click the add button. Special mentions go to Purvasha Jain,, Kara Sextro,, and Kayla Winner,, who just this week added friends to this group. Thanks and it’s much appreciated, but I don’t want to let people who have invited friends to the group formerly to feel unwelcomed. It just was not this week. Thanks or being in this group.

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

7.7.2011 Harman Rachael Schauberger Jordan Paterno

Sent to group on 7/7/2011
Sometimes things don’t go as you’ve planned, dreamt about, or hoped for, but stay positive because unknowingly those things do follow a plan. I do not want to downplay anyone’s religion or beliefs, and I will state mine in the following paragraph. This group is called “The Rest is Up to You,” and that is exactly what should be done; I may ramble a bit at times, but I never want to step on toes for religious reasons. I speak my mind and/or may try to motivate you, and your take on the subject matter is up to you.

I am a proud Catholic, and if you want to stop reading this right now, get yourself removed from this group, or stop being my facebook friend (even though I hope you will not chastise me for saying what I believe) then so be it. I am a believer that God is in ultimate control of everything in our lives, and even though we may not know now, possibly/maybe not ever, and He has a reason for everything. Scientific proof of God and miracles may be absent, but faith isn’t very often concrete in that regard. I have experienced miracles and am a real example of what prayer unwavering faith can do for an individual. There was a lot of hard work done, too, but it took a true miracle to beat the odds as has happened in my case.

I won’t delve into specifics, because this group message is about helping you anyways. God has been the focal point throughout my life and is responsible for tenacity that accompanies me along the journey called my life. It goes without saying (even though I’ll say it) that everything happens for a reason, and even what is perceived as an unfortunate occurrence is part of Somebody’s big plan. I found a quote that sort of talks about God albeit it’s done indirectly:

"Sometimes things fall apart just so other things can fall together...what's meant to be will always find its way.”
~Sarah Harman

If my life would not have been altered as high school was nearing completion I never would have met the people I know today. Maybe on the surface the life altering mishap seems a travesty, but deep down (believe me its deep, for I’ve clawed through a lot of rubbish) my wreck was a good thing. Believe me I’d rather that car crash (and other major negative events in my life) would have never happened, but I’ve accepted it. I know whatever happens in your life and mine is meant to happen, but I believe Ms. Harman’s quote lacks a major aspect; therefore it’s incomplete.

What’s meant to be will be, but God’s plan already includes you trying and giving your best effort to help shape your life. You help shape your own self, but the Big One’s master plan already has best effort built right in. That’s what I believe anyway. What’s meant to happen will occur, but not if you give up telling yourself that everything is predestined and tour actions are meaningless. It’s been said in this paragraph already, but I find it vastly important: but God’s plan already includes you trying and giving your best effort to help shape your life. I don’t know for sure where I’d be at had catastrophe not struck my senior year of high school but don’t care either. I’m living/loving my life in the now, and I never would have shared in many of the fun activities, nor met my friends, had He not been actively involved in my life.

One person who has the same outlook towards life as me, one would guess is Rachael Schauberger. My new friend’s page,,
And that’s where I saw this week’s second quote, I feel it to be totally accurate and necessary to share, but I’ll let you be the judge:

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."

I don’t know much about this beautiful Rachael girl except for the fact that she is also Catholic. I want everyone to appreciate these messages, please share them with anyone who you think would appreciate receiving and/or benefit from reading it. That quote, on a smaller scale, is true as well. Maybe it’s better suited for the group in a smaller scale version because of the word greatly, and it is listed twice. Is our average day failure or success of great means? I think not, and a simpler version follows this sentence. Those who never try anything challenging can never truly experience the feeling of success. Let me tell you something that I find more often than not; the more times you try something and fail the sweeter it will feel when you succeed.

Many people do not see Larry Bird as the greatest basketball player of all time like I do, but rather they see Mr. Jordan as the holder of that title. That is fine with me, and I just wanted to show you this video,, simply because it let’s you hear Michael Jordan say the same thing that I’m trying to get across to you. Maybe he can get through to you about success if I cannot.

I saw an interview with Mike Krzyzewski and Joe Paterno this weekend (on one of the ESPN networks,) and they are legends in the coaching departments at Duke and Penn State, respectively. Joe is quite the animated character, and I learned his son, Jay, is one of his long-time quarterbacks coach. I looked him up on the internet. Jay Paterno is a father, husband and political volunteer. He’s a frequent guest lecturer on campus and at Penn State events. His column appears every other Thursday on the State College website. That’s where I’ve found this week’s third:

'A Man Is Not Finished When He's Defeated. He Is Finished When He Quits.'
~Jay Paterno

Maybe the Joe Paterno name is better and much more widely known throughout the nation, but the Paterno name has earn the respect of me. I'll argue it to my grave that both literally and figuratively you did not fail and are NOT a failure (given that you never stopped trying to get better.) Please add your friends to this group, share this message, and may God Bless you.

“Failure only increases your chances for success at your next attempt."

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sent to the group: 6/29/2011

It's well worth the loading time wait & have your speakers on... it was made a couple of years ago, when the subject was on dialysis (this guy had his kidneys removed and a transplant after this video was made ) & imperfections are prevalent, but I found this particular video that it is fascinating :-). For the record this dudes kidney malfunctions were unrelated to his accident, but they have to do with genetics. He is soo lucky, but no seriously he is (to have friends like you.) The star of this short film is not an actor, model, or anything of the sort. He is just that good looking... LOL. I hear he is fairly darn witty and likes to laugh, too! Here is the video talked bout this week:
Wow that was very powerful, thanks for watching it with me, and the amazing thing is the goof resembles me, significantly. Maybe he is my twin or my doppelganger? I always wished that I had a twin brother, when I was growing up, to play basketball with and do other fun things with, but I never did so I know it must be the latter. We even have the same name. Hot dog, if I were you I’d most certainly get Matt to speak at the next upcoming event that you know of. This sharp looking speaker looks like he’d do a fantastic job at any multitude of events. Even though I had a lot of fun, growing up with neighbors (usually Tony,) classmates/friends, and my relatives it is still fun to finally find my doppelganger (we’ve all got one.) Ha-ha, here comes the obvious for I cannot tell a lie; it’s really me in that video… surprise, surprise (lol.)

Speaking of friends, many co-counselor friends were made when I worked as a volunteer at Camp Echoing Hills. Everyone knows that my singing voice is so eloquent so I’ll provide a link to one of the songs, Our God is an awesome God, we sang as a group when I was there, here: Although I am a random person while I write these messages I was not just randomly writing about a song from camp without having an ulterior motive. First let me explain how working there one summer made a huge impact and difference in my life.

First I want to tell about some of my experiences as a counselor at camp and show you a video from the summer I worked there (2005) that is on my Youtube page, You may not have seen in the video what it meant to me as a counselor, and I wanted to tell you. Those nine weeks, three of which were teenage camper weeks, I had an opportunity to give more than just money or physical labor to disabled campers. We impacted the lives of a new set of either disabled children or adults each week, for nine weeks. Giving up your physical gizmos/gadgets and helping those at camp physically, mentally, and/or spiritually was worth everything. I’ve been back for a wedding and another year just for one week. Hopefully campers still use what we showed them. The place helped me feel better, because I could tell after interacting with campers throughout the week that they felt more at ease. That definitely was not the case in all situations, though. Some of the mentally challenged individuals really gave positive or negative feedback, but you know that what you did for them was best in the long run.

When you are with a group of counselors at a Christian camp there is bound to be some bonding, and definitely that is what we did. Take nine weeks out of your summer and spend it with a group of around 50 people that try to run a nine different groups (six days each,) and you will form some quality friendships. There are way too many to name them all so I won’t even try, although there’s no doubt I could. Elizabeth Kitt went to Jimmy and Maria Mcnutt’a wedding with me, but I lost contact with her. Another wedding that I received a wedding invite to was Lauren Unger’s, Then there was Josh Westover,, Ryan Law,, and Chad Smith, I cannot forget Markias Littlejohn,, who was the spirit of God in the passion play where I was Peter and Westover was Jesus.

There are more guys, but I’ll mention Tasha Rouse,, her ministry,, and blog, Then there’s Tricia Wegman who was on the World Race, and Katee Battiste.

The reason camp was so fresh in my mind now is twofold. This past week I spoke with a very good friend of mine that I met at Camp Echoing Hills back in 2005, Dustin Lawson ( He is a very good guy, and he said that he was going to meet me inn Findlay on Saturday.

The last quote, for this week was told to me by Danika Boever, She’s a relatively new friend that gets around, and I don’t mean gets around like the two word phrase is commonly used to describe loose women that sleep around. That would be rude and false, as far as I know. She is a terrific person and friend that I am glad to know. The quote was commonly said nearly 30 years ago by a man she was never old enough to know truly:

“Live for today and see what tomorrow brings"
Danika’s grandfather (who died 27 years ago)

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.

Sent to the group on: 6/23/2011

I for one am thrilled to watch America’s Got Talent on NBC,, and since I cannot or will not continue to use that three letter middle word I will just refer to the show as AGT. Anyway, staying away from that “g” word comforts my Junior High English teachers back at St. Anthony’s. Even though Ann Recker and Ginny Schroeder no longer teach at my former school they might hear about this one way or another, and my fear is that they would make me take classes this summer, Lol, not really, but I had to pay respects to the parochial school and teachers that paved my way to now. My high school English teachers were really good too. I know for a fact that Delphos St. John’s HS appreciates Mrs. Elwer, too. She was my grades 9 and 11 English teacher at Columbus Grove.

Sorry for that lapse of focus. AGT is typically aired on Tuesday and Wednesday, and judges are Piers Morgan, Sharon Osborne, Howie Mandel, and the host is Nick Cannon. I always wanted to be on that show so reviewed last year’s competitors and was contemplating send Sharon a video. Ha-ha, maybe not.

I began searching the web for past AGT contestants. Here is Jackie Evancho's video submission for the AGT YouTube Audition from August 10, 2010:

Here is her first appearance on AGT that anybody who watched the show knows,

Jackie has a very unusual capability to sing, and I’m not even an opera style music fan but enjoy listening to her. I just hope she doesn’t turn out like most of the stars do. When fame sets in, with most people, it spells bad news. She has a website where you can read about her if you want

This is Jackie Evancho, from Pittsburgh, PA singing the National Anthem at the 2010 Pirates Home Opener against the Dodgers in front of over 39,000 people. She was the youngest singer to ever do this for the Pirates on opening day at the age of 9;

More recently Jackie was on the Jay Leno Show June 21, 2011. That was this Tuesday, and if you missed it you can watch it here: http://youtube/24S_HOwhxE8.

I saw a saying on the wall of Lauren Lynn Hartshorn, that meant a lot to me. I had a situation where I responded similarly when I was out with my sister (nearly 7 years ago) and she said she would be a basket case if she were in my situation. I more or less told her this:

“God won’t give you anything in life He doesn’t think you can’t handle.” -- Unknown

And I hope people realize that life won’t give you too much to handle. With hard work you can jump higher, run faster, score better, or succeed at anything.

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.