Thursday, June 16, 2011


Sent to the group on 6/16/2011

I have recently spoken with an old friend (by old I mean OLD, literally…LOL,) a little bit about college coursework, professors, and it initiated pleasant thoughts about the past. Now when I say OLD you need to take into consideration the source where it comes from, me. I’m talking about Melissa Thomas (MT for short in the rest of this week’s message,) and if you’ve been reading these messages awhile you’ll have the capability to note that Melissa has been talked about a time or two before, and if she is old then I am older (by a little over a year.) I feel like I am 22 years of age and if you find her to be older than that you may need to have your vision checked. Before I get too far let me tell you how you can see her page, If you are lucky enough to know her already then the information I am about to tell you may seem a little repetitive. Twain’s quote comes into play here:

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." -Mark Twain

I firmly believe Melissa lives by that, even though she probably never heard it before.

MT’s wisdom far exceeds that of an early 20’s person (she only looks that age,) and her personality and demeanor are much than a person of the age she appears. Sure she can be totally serious when the time calls for it, but more often than not she uses her intelligence to make a witty comeback or just leave you laughing. My Dad’s side of the family is like that, too. As far as I am concerned laughter is the best medicine for most situations. Melissa’s intellect is astounding also as she works at James A. Rhodes State College, and no MT is not a professor there (although that thought makes me grin.) She is an Admissions Counselor there, and if you are thinking about college anywhere I’d suggest talking with her. You will feel welcomed knowing her… trust me. Let’s just say her mind is quick as a fox, as the expression goes, and she could be a college professor if she wanted. Melissa is a remarkable person, and a fox reference could be used to describe more than just her sharp mind, if you catch my drift. I would love to have an interesting, amusing, and fun time hanging with her again soon, and I remember her middle name is Ann (WITH NO “E.”) Okay maybe you had to be there to find humor in that.

Nothing manmade or anybody, here on earth, is perfect, but using a scale of 0-1; I would give Melissa a .9 repeating on the overall generalization of quality being (composed of everything MT.) Be careful now, I have an on going argument with my high school Math teacher Mr. Bunn (, Lee Wayand (my PSEO Calculus 151r boss over the internet as a HS senior: a class I never received credit for due to no participation after 12/5/1997,) and Dr. Tosh Bissau Data (an math instructor at OSU-Lima and I know not the correct spelling of his name) about whether.9 repeating is equal to one (1) or not. They all say that it is, and even though I’ve learned and done the theoretical proof that shows they are equal, in actuality I know that is a blatant falsehood! I’ve learned that one has to jump through hoops for education, in order to achieve good marks. If .999… can be classified as an equal to the number one (1) then Melissa Thomas is perfect. Work that backwards and it is obvious that the numbers are unequal. Even though they are not known by me in Melissa’s case every human has flaws.

Speaking of somebody who has one major imperfection I’ll introduce you to my friend Tom Prebis: Despite the fact that we have opposing viewpoints politically speaking, which is fine, there is still another issue I have with him. Tom believes in a socialistic big government type system where the govt. decides who get what and how much. He believes in spreading the wealth, and is noted as saying that we should be able to have the same type of health care as “industrialized European countries” do. He believes that mandating what the American people do and the slaughter of innocent youth is okay. Hey that’s his opinion and he is entitled to it. I believe in working hard to get ahead for yourself, and it would be nice for you to donate to worthy causes if you exceed that which is required for you and your family. However, I believe that in this fabulous capitalistic country Uncle Sam needs to keep his hands out of the cookie jar and stay out of our personal lives as much as they can. Likewise I am entitled to it. Still some people think that I am a die hard Republican and only care what happens along party lines. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I just want what’s best for this country.

I actually couldn’t care less about politics or the party system. I just like to get on Tom’s nerves, because he fails over and over to give valid reasons that back his statements;

1.) “Obama will go down in history as the greatest president this country has ever seen.”
2.) “I saw it in his eyes, when I actually shook his hand and looked into his eyes, he (Obama) is a compassionate man.”
-both by Tom Prebis

I’ll leave you with a saying from the page of Hazel Delacruz,,

Trying times are not the time to stop trying!

Thank you so much for being my friend. If you suggest your friends for me that would really be great. Can you also please invite your friends to join my Facebook group, "The Rest is Up to You” ( Please share this message!

~Matt~ Failure is the first step to success. Think about that one.