Sunday, May 18, 2008


Well... the Boston Celtics won, but it was a tough game 7 contest. Cleveland has an up and coming team led by Lebron James. Lebron is good but lets not put him in the same classification as Bird, Jordan, and the other greats quite yet.

What is going on with me lately? Its graduation season so I attended 1 party this weekend, and I've gotten invites for two more next weekend. The food is superb, but one has to be careful not to get too round.

I volunteer at the guest services desk in St. Rita's hospital on each Tuesday, and there is a volunteer appreciation luncheon on Monday, May 19. So I'll be there. Tuesday is a speacial day to me. It is my birthday. The only good thing about getting older is I hear more wisdom comes with age!

I am stll working on an autobiography, and I am hoping to be done by January, 2009. Any interesting ideas you'd like to hear about please email me,

I will update this periodically...

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