Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Volunteering at the hospital today will be rewarding experience... as I will hopefully get many chances to help many people. It is too bad that Gerry no longer volunteers there, or even resides in Ohio anymore. Since he now is a resident of South Carolina there is a replacement named Janet who took his spot. She is of course very fun to work with, but she is no Gerry. Ramona still works at the front desk, and she is the third Tuesday wheel from when I started (Ramona, Gerry, and I.) To me that is the way it is supposed to be. We could have ended up with a not very cool person to help at the front desk, and I am thankful Janet has that position. Ramona was not there last wee, but I spoke with her on the phone yesterday, and she confirmed that she would be there today.
No Knights of Columbus meeting tonight and no cards. That means I will be volunteering until 8:30.

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