Sunday, March 8, 2009


I do not know for sure what is going to be the plan for today, because I may be playing some solo with some people from other towns. My dad may and may not be playing. He has to go to work first. That would be fun either way with or without my dad. That is one option, and on the other hand I probably could go to Findlay to hang with Brian. My decision will be clearer this afternoon, because right now things are a little foggy.
Last night was tons of fun even though the Bath girls team lost. First I went to 4:30 mass, and then I went to Gary's house. Saturday afternoon mass is starting to become more regular, but Sunday morning mass is still predominantly attended by me. Occasionally it feels good to not go to early mass and sleep in, but sleeping in was a thing of the past for me. For the last 11 years I have not been able to sleep in very well. I guess I just think about things too deeply ever since my accident. I sleep not much more than five hours at one time on any given day. Actually I am still feeding on the more than en week nap I took on December 6, 1997. I know that my body was doing everything but rest during my coma, but it was a funny thought. I will actually just relax since I already went to mass. I will not get cleaned up at all this morning but just lounge around, which is nice to do once in awhile.

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