Monday, May 11, 2009


Today I am going to mow in the woods, That seems rather pointless at first glance, but believe me it is much needed. I am talking about the patch that is just over an acre that sits on the north end of our house. We are always mowing and thinning out trees from that area, and unlike the wilderness behind our house we own this area.
And later this afternoon I am going to go watch my cousins play softball. Hopefully the Schroeder Plumbing and Heating team fairs better than in years past. Sure the games are a social atmosphere, but it is always nice to win a contest. That is because I have a competitive spirit about me. Ever since I was a little kid playing basketball in the driveway with dad, I have always been about defeating the opposition. The difference between then and now is I was then a little kid, but now I am a big kid (heck Amy I'm only in my 20's-- remember when you were that young?). Probably yo do not, because after sight memory is the next thing to go. Suggestion- after the visit to the optometrist visit your family doctor and pick up a dosage of memory pills.

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