Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have the privilege of speaking to the sixth graders at Allen East later today. True, I feel the job is done more sufficiently when I speak to high school aged audiences, but I also know that I do a darn good job talking with middle school students. Else Larry, the principal, would not ask me to speak every year. I really anticipate any opportunities I get to speak to an audience, so do not think for a second that I feel out of my element speaking to the younger crowd, because I, too, can relate with sixth grade people as I went through the similar situations as them.
Last night I ate in Findlay with friends Brian and Mike. Another friend named Mike also showed up, and he watched the conclusion of the Cavs game with us. He is a true Orlando Magic fan so it was interesting watching the game with him. Magic pulled the upset and won in Cleveland which I was glad to see. Even though Cleveland is an Ohio team, I just get tired of all the Lebron hysteria. He is talented, but James is not the god some people see him as. If nothing else he was brought back down to reality a little.

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