Friday, May 29, 2009


I am having high blood pressure problems and swelling of my legs. High blood pressure had been a problem, and all was going satisfactory before I received a call from the internal medicine doctor a few weeks ago to let me know the results of my labs. My kidney function was apparently not up to par, and he instructed me to halt taking my water pill which also has blood pressure regulatory medicine in it. Since I stopped that my legs and ankles have ballooned up. I am unaware of the cause of this problem, but possibly its root is from a major automobile accident I was in many years ago. If that is the case so be it. Later this morning I have to go to the hospital to have a five hour intravenous session. Ironically, I am actually looking forward to this! Although I do not appreciate the hospital stay, becoming closer to a solution to the problem is greatly anticipated. Furthermore, I hope this test shows the cause of and/or fixes the problem, because an appointment with a kidney specialist was made but the doctor has no vacancies until the end of next month (June.) That is a while to wait, but I will do my best to help the situation. Like any other scenario, I will try my best. We will see how it goes, but please help me out by praying for me (it does not matter how OLD you are, Amy, prayer never hurts. LOL)

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