Monday, January 12, 2009


It is Monday morning, and the start of another week full of busy days. That includes both weekdays and weekends.

On Sunday afternoon I went to Brian’s to watch football. The early game between the Philadelphia Eagles and New York Giants was watched while shooting billiards. I honestly suck at pool, but I did win a couple of games while Brian had many victories. We had a fun time though, and that is what counts. The Eagles won the first game, and we both were elated. It is just too bad we could not be happy with the outcome of the late afternoon game. However it was still exciting since we went to TKOs sorts bar and met our friend Mike there. They have the finest food that I have ever had at a bar And anyways… Ashley is the manager, and I chink she is so cool (April aka Big Chump is pretty cool too.) The Pittsburgh Steelers defeated the San Diego Chargers, and that did not please any of us. Pittsburgh has to face Baltimore next week, which is also a divisional rivalry, for the AFC championship, and I hope those terrible towels are used for nothing but crying in. Most Steelers faithful are increditably cocky and annoying, I think.

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