Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today is the anniversary a big catastrophe in modern day American history. The twin towers fell on September 11 some years ago. Many lives were lost and much pain was endured. The wide belief is that terrorists are to blame for this act. America has moved on. We have a war on terrorism. If there are people who grieve excessively all the time, are hung up on terrorism, or live in constant fear of the next attack (hopefully there are none) then it is like throwing in the towel. When people live their live differently, in hatred, then in essence we have lost the war. That is exactly what terrorists want: us to change our way of life because of them. I know with loss of loved ones a great remorse is felt, but whats done is finished! Much the same is relevant when talking of injury or accident. Of course a grieving time is needed for loss of life or catastrophic injury, but we cannot let that dominate our lives forever. My sister asked of me how I am so happy all the time when I cannot do things as easily, good, or like I used to. The answer was simple; This is the way I am now, and there is no point or sense in dwelling on the past. It is over and done with, and we cannot go back in time to change things but can work for improvements in our future lives. It is a waste of time to cry over what's already spilled, but to change things to make them better for the future is ingenious.

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