Monday, September 15, 2008


My sister and three boys headed back to Cincy late Sunday afternoon, and I guess their trip home was quite adventuresome as treacherous weather existed. We had some strong wind blowing here too. The yard around our house looked a holy terror this morning. We have many large trees on our property and there were many branches and walnuts blown all over our yard. We have about eight walnut trees and many other trees. Dad and I picked up and disposed of most of that junk today. Many places in nearby areas are without power. I guess we are luck for we have power. Although at least twice yesterday it did flash off. Speaking of being without power... my sister's home in Cincy is without power. She called and said that an estimate for power returning is not until Saturday. Yep that's right she said her and the boys will be back tomorrow morning. Rob is going to continue working, but Lisa took vacation. She is not scheduled to work until Saturday. The youngest boy and the one about two years old were okay without electricity, but Andrew (the four year old) is troublesome to keep occupied without television or computer, so for his sake I bet they are glad to come here.
One thing that I have noticed is, even though I am only the age of 29, I am starting to feel the effects of age, because after bending over to clean up the yard for so long my lower back is tired and sore.

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