Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have been in contact with the Membership Services Coordinator, of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. I'm letting them know of my availability to speak at a conference, but unfortunately all of the presenters have already been selected for this year. Mr. Robaszkiewecz, told me that I would be considered when planning for 2009 and 2010 events. That is all I can wish for at this point, because this year's conference is pretty much out of the question. I may be sounding overly optimistic, but that is just the way I am. Focusing on my current planned presentations and attempting to fill my schedule for this year are my main concerns, but it's nice to look forward to what may happen. The feeling experienced after I deliver a presentation is incredible.
If I can help others through my talk it is like topping on an ice-cream sunday (its all good.) I think that is why I survived the wreck and have made significant recovery thus far, so I can better lives.

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