Friday, November 21, 2008


Last night a realization hit me like I was going full throttle and smack. I ran into a brick wall! I made a mental note of these conflicting happenings a time or two before last night, but during the meeting last night I really felt lost. I knew where I was and a mental break don was not occurring, but the eye opener happened after my Sir Knight friend shared a tidbit of information with all of us. He is a faculty member of Delphos St. Johns school, and he said there may be only a couple of Fourth Degree knights from Delphos attending or marching in Ottoville Knights of Columbus christening (of sorts) mass due to the Blue Jays football game at the concurrent time on Friday. It is confirmation in Ottoville. It slipped my mind. I normally would have enjoyed going to the game, but I am committed to marching with many other Sir Knights. I guess I will just hope the Blue Jays win, so I could maybe go watch them do battle for another state championship next Friday. I do love high school sports but enjoy participating in my church groups too, and it is odd that the two would overlap. I have to be ready to go and up town, by 5:30, because we are meeting at church to car pool towards Ottoville.

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