Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Speaking today was an awesome experience. Todd, an athlete from Ft. Jennings (that I recalled playing against in eighth grade basketball), was there amongst many other quality contacts. One person actually graduated from The Ohio State University at the same time as I. She was probably one of the younger ones there. Michelle too was younger, and she went with Melessa and I across the street to pick out a T-shirt. I am planning to attend the Delphos St. Johns football game on Friday. I like watching sports, and Greg giving me a ride to the game would be appreciated. The people talked about so far were young, but most people in attendance were slightly more seasoned. In fact my greatest contact made was as old as my parents, and she is going to get back to me about possibly speaking to Van Wert schools. Speaking to high schools is something I am more comfortable doing. I just feel more at ease when high school aged people are my target audience. When feeling relaxed I feel my message is more clearly heard.

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