Thursday, October 16, 2008


I know it is Thursday, but I just thought of something from Tuesday that I wanted to share. As I was volunteering at St. Rita's and was helping a random lady find her way around the hospital, and she told me it was nice that I did not let my disabilities stop me from helping others. She was talking down to me like I was mentally challenged. Every so often I get that. People that do not know me nor have ever held a conversation with me mistake my cognitive and physical abilities. It is accepted and something I do not get all bent out of shape about. I love my life and God let that unfortunate car accident happen a little less than 11 years ago, but He also gave me the determination to get through it all. My life is destined to be this way, and I love my life not wishing to switch life position with anyone. His ways are ALWAYS best. Normally I jump in and correct people like the lady Tuesday, but I was busy and let her go on thinking I was challenged. Focused on getting my message out there to different groups The front desk was swamped, busy was the scenario, and landing a speaking gig had already been tried moments earlier. Anyways I was saving my voice for Bishop Hartley on Wednesday. That just paints the picture of when I am in places where a mass array of new people (ones that do not know or have not met me) are.

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