Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Its Tuesday and I am at the medical center. After I agreed to help Chad , the new Columbus Grove girls basketball team's head coach, with some stats it threw a wrinkle in my volunteer schedule for a few weeks in December. I took the initiative to try getting my hours adjusted for those weeks. Mark will get back to me on the adjustment. I wanted to attempt switching early that way I will still be able to volunteer on those days. Volunteering at Saint Rita's hospital is something that I enjoy doing.
On another note I am speaking at Columbus Bishop Hartley , and due to the early departure time I will not have much of a chance to write on this tomorrow. The same lack of typing time will likely exist tonight also, as I make final preparations and hit the sack early. I need to be well rested so I can give an excellent presentation to these students.
I got refills on my blood pressure medication today. Having a Walgreen pharmacy right here, on the first floor of the hospital, is very convenient for me. Since I am here every Tuesday it saves a trip to town.

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