Monday, October 13, 2008


I have a busy week starting tomorrow (Tuesday). Today is Monday though, and it is not typical beginning of the week at all. We decided to rent the rug doctor from up town to steam clean our carpet in various rooms in our home, including the basement.It usually gets done one day a year(1/365 is not a very good probability.) And the year we redid the living room and got new carpet we did not steam it. Dad always runs the machine, and I am a good person to help move furniture around. Every year since I have been around we have moved the couch, chairs, and end tables into the kitchen for a couple of days while the carpet dries. This year we left the sofa and love seat. I think this is third different sofa and chairs set that we have been through in my day, and I am not sure whether we change a lot or it's a sign that I am getting old. I think it must be the former, because I just met an intriguing woman this weekend and we are both in our 20's, and she did not seem old at all. I really do not feel old either, because I am not, but I have endured much these last ten years.

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