Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today (Wednesday) I am going to get a hair cut. Where am I going to get it cut is a question that taxes many people's minds when its time to get a trim. There are at least three places I could get it done in Columbus Grove alone (or maybe two), and I could go to any nearby to accomplish the task. That is just considering the specialty shops. I virtually always get my hair done at the same place with the same barber. The best things come from home, I am almost certain you have heard that saying, and my Dad is my regular haircut person. That kind of limits my hair style to one look (unless I were to shave my head), but that is the style I prefer. It is very economical too, and while it would cost $10-$20 at a parlor my chops at home are free. Free fits in everyone' budget. I know many things you can get for free look tacky, but that is not a concern that I have. My Dad does haircuts, like he does everything else, perfect! At least that is how I feel about my Dad. I really look up to him, as most people look up to their parents. Dad is my role model, or idol, and I believe everything he says.

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