Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My time spent at Bishop Hartley today was rewarding, and besides being rewarded with the opportunity to impact lives through speaking I made new friends also. And contacts were made for future presentations as well. I finally got to meet Stefanie (the guidance counselor who initially contacted me in regards to speaking there.) She was awesome, and I hope we can make this a yearly happening. Meeting her was only the tip of the iceberg as far as meeting new people, old friends, and those who may be beneficial in my speaking adventures. I also met Heather, hopefully that can be a lasting friendship, and she is employed by the school. I'll also mention just one more school employee, even though there were many (but I do not want to forget one), and that would be Randy... also known as coach Randy. He is affiliated with the basketball program, and it is no surprise that I hope to help him in the future. Unfortunately other duties prevented him from making it to my speech. Finally I saw Jerry and Doug in the presentation room at one point or another. The former I met up in Huron in the beginning of September while the latter is the son of a principal of St. Henry high school. Oh and I must not forget to mention Holly and her boyfriend. She is helping me with my autobiography, and I am very happy and very appreciative that she took time out of her busy schedule to see what I do. All other people who were a part of my day but not mentioned here (you know who you are) thank you! My parents are awesome people, and a big thanks to them for their help and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out Matt! I truly enjoyed your speech and am also enjoying writing your letter. I'll get the pics to you asap. Take care and God bless!!!